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"Rhythm" In The Creation Of The Report

Posted on:2015-02-11Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X LiuFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Henan Taihang Mountain is a very attractive place, the unique naturalenvironment, toweringpeaks, andthe valley, Stone Gully, towering cliffs,beautiful waterfalls, every scene is fascinating, prompting us to the beautiful nature admiration. The people here arehardworking, passionate, a pristine humanities breath."The autumn" was inspired by a trip to Taihang Mountainthe sketch and creation, making this enriches our understandingof nature, it makes me feel the north and south of rocks of different rocks, it enriches myunderstanding of painting language. This paper is based on the creation of the report in the form of writing, through to the Taihang Mountain sketch feel inspired to landscape trees, rocks, understand and use the painting language, is the combination of theory and practice experience, embodies the Tang Dynasty Zhang Cao "outside the teacher good fortune, in the heart of summary of the art. The authortheoretically from the ancients and Mr. Ceng Xiaohu advocated "the truth,really, really," King "the landscape painting creation concept, Shi Tao in practice, practice advocated" rule do search Qifeng scratch "sketch. The author through continuous accumulation of material life, the final works’Taihang autumn" series of landscape works. The creative process someexperience and feelings in this paper, the latter to rev.
Keywords/Search Tags:Henan Taihang Mountain, landscape, painting technique
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