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Research On ShuoWenZiBian

Posted on:2013-11-13Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:F Y XuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2255330428461091Subject:Chinese Philology
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
"Shuowenzibian" is created by Lin Qingbing lived in houguan district of Fujian province in late Qing dynasty, which studies the fonts of "Shuowenjiezi" and original meaning of some fonts. But this book is not deeply researched by anyone. By systematically listing, combing3320fonts (concluding20repeated fonts) and macroscopically comparing with "Shuowenjiezi", this article want to explore the writer’s styles of dealing with fonts and its gains and losses, and also,we can differentiate and analyze its penetrating views and errors. The main research method of this article is "shaped discrimination method". Through modern research achievement such as "Guwenzigulin""Shuowenxinzheng",we can deeply study and sort out the statements of the writer.In addition, large reference books do not include and introduce the writer and his works, although some books have set out some information, some of those are not true, some researchers have comprehensively denied his work. This article wants to research Lin Qingbing and his work in order to remedy shortages of related fields, supplement historical data and try my best to sort out local ancient literature.
Keywords/Search Tags:shuowenzibian, shuowenjiezi, mozhuanzuokai
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