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Lyric Works Of Chinese In Paintings

Posted on:2015-03-07Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:D LiFull Text:PDF
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In the east of the paintings, using lines as the shape means, have sinceancient times, is also the unique characteristics of Oriental art. Then theline as the most basic means of modeling a basic factors of visual artimage and art works, not only has the rich expressive force and strongartistic sense of beauty, in the concrete and abstract expression of theauthor works through the expression of thoughts and feelings, therefore,the lines are artists with unique artistic language.Line with the aestheticvalue and the attribute of its own. The line can not only show the shape oflength, more in line can express feelings. At the same time, expressing theartist’s inner thoughts and feelings through the lines can and innertemperament shown in figure. Works China painting, pen and ink is form,through the words convey the content is devoted painter all emotion,reflected not only have the artist’s temperament, character, aesthetictendency, life experience, and so on.The traditional painting theorybelieves that "there is no ink pen" or "pen without ink" works are notgood painting,"the pen is better than ink" is welcomed by everyone. Penand ink is the carrier, which lies in the literati painting in the content ofthe literati painters feelings.Yuan Ming and Qing three generations of the Almighty oppressed people,development space is very small, is not respected, it is in this social oppression, there are so many literati eventually put a cavity blood orlandscape, or the creation of drama, fiction, there have emerged manyartists, opera house, the novelist.I am from the three political complex,Han discrimination, imperial examination is more difficult socialbackground, to see where the painters, such as four yuan, Xu Wei, BadaShanren, Shi Tao and so on. I think Xu Wei is the most representative ofthe painter, his tragic life, poetry and painting, the attainments, and for hispoetry, painting ideas deeply influenced me, admire his persistence,heartache encountered in his life experience, he gave me the mostimportant theory in painting, with his life his "I said," give me his theoryof creative painting what the answer to this question, that I find myself,so I think I need more deeply to understand him, to understand his work,reading his poetry and painting.So this paper from numerous artistsselected Xu Wei who started the ink freehand brushwork of the master asthe object of study.So this paper aims to object "lines", pen and ink, and the painter’s life,thought to study in a creative artist, the painter is how the true inner selfthrough the paintings communicate, from which we get someenlightenment on Chinese painting.
Keywords/Search Tags:Linellae, affective explanation, painting of man-of-letters, lyricexpresses, " I said "
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