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Alternative Text Of Micro-fiction

Posted on:2015-03-23Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J LeiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2255330428456042Subject:Chinese Modern and Contemporary Literature
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In Chinese contemporary micro-fiction world,Teng Gang is a talented writer. In order to create a unique micro-fiction world,when therealistic micro-fiction occupy the mainstream, he decisively breaks through the traditional mode of writing, choosing the modernist literature as the road to literary side.Teng Gang always expands his writing with the presence of a person, to express the metaphysical of exist,he draws nourishment from the western modernist literature. In his literary world, there are all kinds of modern techniques, such as humor、absurd、symbolism、exaggeration、deformation、feeling、metaphor and stream of consciousness and so on. In short,he prefers to use newart of form to convey his modern experience.Therefore,both his writing conception and artistic characteristics are modernistic.All in all,Teng Gang creates a new writing mode, opening up a new stage of Chinese mainland’s micro-fiction.This paper combines the theoretical study with the textinterpretation,in this process,investigating Teng Gang’s micro-fiction’s artistic features, including the theme, narrative and his styleconstruction,and then makes a conclusion of its literature value andsignificance.This paper is divided into three parts,in the first part,it talks about Teng Gang’s micro-fiction’s theme,in the second part,itstarts with Teng Gang’s weird way of narration,in the last part,itdiscusses about Teng Gang’s modernist micro-fiction world,making acomprehensive assessment of his literary and artistic creation.
Keywords/Search Tags:micro-fiction, Teng Gang, modernism, exist, absurd
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