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Theatrical Space Perception

Posted on:2014-08-26Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J Z XiaoFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Art earth-shaking changes have taken place in the concept and mode of creation, art is not rigidly adhere to the easel painting and creative sculpture on the shelves, but the perception, wide exploration for space. The artist as the main body, to interpret the images as the leading experience in different ways, the theatre space art focus on audience participation and experience, the organic part and objective work and existing space composed of art. Field is studied in this paper. The theatrical space, analysis of the contemporary art in an unprecedented open attitude to life our space and field of each knowable, space art is changing from emphasizing the inherent spatial vision to focus on perceptual experience space, field space, mental space, space art direction the broader Theatre; studies the mechanism of spatial perception, the theater theater space feeling, and analyzes the contemporary artists in the theater space art practice, the interpretation of in the space of art, through the discussion of spatial practice in contemporary art, find possible space and works "theatrical" the conditions and methods, to the space contemporary art creation inspiration..
Keywords/Search Tags:Theatrical, Space, Field, Perception, Art practice
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