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The Multi-layered Interpretation Of Stream Of Consciousness Function In Ulysses

Posted on:2014-04-30Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Z C FengFull Text:PDF
GTID:2255330425980464Subject:English Language and Literature
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
James Joyce is one of the most important writers in the western literary history in the20thcentury. He not only dominates the English literature, but also is taken as a distinguished masterof stream of consciousness. His appearance marks the real rising and popularity of Britishstream of consciousness novels. And the publication of his classical work Ulysses makesmodernism reach the climax. Therefore, the stream of consciousness strongly advocated byJames Joyce has become the new style and technique of the20thcentury novel writing. Joyce’screative writing not only has exerted a profound effect on the development of the novels in theworld, but also provides a valuable basis for the establishment of a new novel theory. Moreover,both his fiction and theory has propelled the development of the whole western literature.Ulysses, one of James Joyce’s masterpieces, contains approximately two hundred and sixty-fivethousand words and is divided into eighteen episodes. Since its publication, the novel hasattracted controversy and scrutiny, ranging from early obscenity trials to protracted textual“Joyce Wars”. Joyce profoundly explores the delicate inner world of his characters by usingsuch techniques as interior monologue, free association, fantasy, etc. Stream of consciousnesstechnique, fantastic structure, rich characterization, humor and experimental prose which is fullof puns, parodies, and allusions earns the novel high remark in the Modernist pantheon.Therefore, Ulysses is also considered as an “encyclopedia” because of its unique writingtechnique and rich contents and connotations.Guided by psycho-analysis theory and formalism, through specific examples and analysis, thispaper reveals the multi-layered interpretation of Joyce’ stream of consciousness functions fromfour prospects: the characters’ consciousness, the interior monologue, different styles and the musical language. The author hopes that the study will help to improve people’s understandingof Joyce’s famous work Ulysses and his brilliant writing techniques.
Keywords/Search Tags:Ulysses, characters’ conscious, styles, musical words
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