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Strategies Of Dealing With Extra-linguistic Messages In Interpreting

Posted on:2014-11-05Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Q ChenFull Text:PDF
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As the intercultural communication becomes more and more frequent, the demand for interpreting is sharply increasing. Improving the quality of interpreting to promote intercultural communications is a requirement of times and also the developing tendency of interpreting.As an activity of communication, the focus of interpreting is the language. Language contains linguistic message and extra-linguistic message. Extra-linguistic message generally refers to the message outside the words themselves, including context, cultural factor, metaphorical meaning, background, slang, etc. Normally, only the linguistic message of the language is applied. The extra-linguistic message of the language makes its appearance in some specific circumstance, and once it appears, it values a lot in the communication. Most interpreters are well trained and have acquired a rich knowledge of language. It would not be difficult for them to correctly handle the linguistic message. Therefore, properly dealing with the extra-linguistic message, which relates to many disciplines and is various and complicated, would be a key to improving the quality of interpreting.This thesis elaborates the causes of extra-linguistic message, illustrate its widespread existence and importance in interpreting, as well as its translatability, and proposes guiding principles and strategies in dealing with extra-linguistic message according to the characteristics of interpreting. The premier’s Press Conferences during NPC and CPPCC Session are typical intercultural communication activities of high level. They requires high quality of the interpreting because of their seriousness and political nature. Analyzing the extra-linguistic messages in the interpreting of Premier Wen Jiabao’s Meeting the Press from the perspective of context, culture and rhetoric, the author aims to show the importance of extra-linguistic messages in intercultural communication and call more attention to the extra-linguistic message so as to improve the overall quality of interpreting.
Keywords/Search Tags:extra-linguistic message, interpreting, interculturalcommunication, meeting the Press
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