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On The Art Of Hallucination Of Circe In Jovce’s Ulysses

Posted on:2014-04-08Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y ShenFull Text:PDF
GTID:2255330425957177Subject:Comparative Literature and World Literature
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Circe is a very important and unusual episode in James Joyce’s Ulysses. This episode can be seen as an culmination in both plot and technics of the whole story. The comedy genre and art technics which Joyce uses lead to a complex and rich aesthetic experience, also they cause a variety of interpretations from the critics. In this thesis, I will choose the Circe episode specially as my research object. On the basis of learning the achievements of the domestic and foreign scholars and by adopting the methods of close-reading, combining the relevant art theories and making the comparisons between the different episodes and authors, this research will cut into the discussion from images, chronotope and characters, trying to represent the art features in Joyce’s creation and discovering the author’s new ideas of inner depiction, Chronos structure, characterization and emotional expression.Accordingly, my thesis is composed of three major parts:The first part,"Circe’s images "points out that the whole episode can symbolize an journey into the Hades, also it is an adventure into the world of unconsciousness. As the result of the visualization of characters’subjective psychology, hallucination images represent their independence, at the same time, the grotesqueness of these images add the comical and humorous atmosphere to this episode;The second part,"Circe’s chronotope" points out that there are so many intertwinements of different time and space in "Circe", by overlaying the characters’different memories and transforming space freely, this episode break through the bondage of linear and real space-time and make the hallucination experience widely;The third part,"Circe’s characters" points out the different temperaments between the two protagonists. Bloom is humorous and he is portrayed as an exaggerative comedy clown by Joyce, which contains author’s satirical intention and gives us the opportunity to understand the inherent richness of Bloom. But Stephen’s nightmare represents his tragedy.Although Circe shows us that Joyce’s intense counter-traditional consciousness in the novel, but Joyce does not reject the traditional emotions. By discussing the little Rudy appearing at the end of episode, I conclude that Joyce is struggling against nihility at that moment.
Keywords/Search Tags:Ulysses, Circe, James Joyce, Image, Chronotope, Character, Hallucination
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