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The Double Worlds And Its Representation Ways In Salinger’s Novel

Posted on:2014-12-06Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Q X YangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2255330425952408Subject:Comparative Literature and World Literature
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American writer J.D. Salinger takes white young people of the American middle-class as writing objects, shows concern about their life stories, and reaches perfection in this small world. Salinger’s description about adult mediocre mundane life, always contrasts to another world nicely. Therefore, works show the coexistence of double worlds, and the uncertain relationship caused by this coexistence.The uncertain relationship shown by the double worlds which is the coexistence of the adult world and the children’s world bases on a group of youngsters. When they failed and got into psychological difficulties in the real world, under the comparision of their experience, the real world shows the contrast between the filth and the beauty, the false and the ture.Focusing on The Catcher in the Rye, this thesis explores the representation of the adult world and children’s world in Salinger’s works as well as the way to present the double worlds. The thesis is organized as follows:Introduction talks about Salinger in criticism perspective. It mainly elaborates the research status at home and abroad.The main body contains five parts. Chapters Ⅰ and Ⅱ involve the adult world and children’s world which Salinger describes. These chapters present the corresponding contents of the double worlds in Salinger’s works.What needs to be specified here is it is the representation of Holden’s experience that shows the two worlds.Chapter III talks about Holden’s experience of failure. The split and correspondence of the double worlds-that is, the adult world and the children’s world,takes Holden as an intermediary item. Holden, as a separate enclosed space, takes actions and experiences in the adult world and the children’s world, and his actions and experience has a functional meaning. Holden division of the unified world is based on his experience, and what he shows is a world in the way of experience. However, His experience is a failure, both in action and ideal. Therefore, this chapter has a connecting role.Chapter IV and Chapter V discussed the double worlds in the naive perspective and the unreliable narrative. The naive perspective and the unreliable narrative are the ways to persent the double worlds. Holden is a naive narrator, so the real world is integrated into his world in the split form, which is represented by his alienation and escape from the adult world and his worship of the children’s world. However, the naive perspective serving as the means to present the double worlds means unreliable. Therefore, Holden’s double worlds views on the basis of his own perspective and experience inevitably have errors and cannot withstand scrutiny. So the unreliable narrative pull open the distance between the implied author and the narrtor.Epilogue explores the significance of Salinger and his limitation in writing.Appendix is about Salinger’s literature chronicle, a summary of Salinger’s life and creation.
Keywords/Search Tags:Salinger, The Catcher in the Rye, double worlds, naiveperspective, unreliable narrative
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