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A Research Of Keywords Of David Lodge’s Novel Theory And Novel Writing

Posted on:2014-03-01Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J Q LiuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2255330425483525Subject:Literature and art
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
David Lodge (David Lodge,1935-) is one of the most outstanding British writers whosecontribution concerns not only literary creation but also literary criticism during the20thcentury. In this thesis, I want to start from the keywords of Lodge’s theory, combining withLodge’s literary criticism and practice of novel writing to explore the relationship betweenthe two aspects.The thesis includes five chapters. Chapter one aims to overview of the Lodge’s noveltheory and novel writing, and point out the significance of this thesis; chapter two is dividedinto two sections focusing on exploring Lodge’s novel theory: the first section analyzes thekeywords of Lodge’s novel theory: binary oppositions, metaphor and metonymy,perspectives and characters, de-familiarization, intertextuality and irony, aiming to explore itsunique understanding of these keywords; the second section analyzes the innovation ofLodge’s novel theory; chapter three is divided into three sections analyzing how Lodge usesome important theoretical keywords: The first section analyzes the characteristics and thetheory of the creation of Changing Places, the changing narrative angle, the standard dualstructure and irony are widely used in Changing Places.The second section analyzes the largenumber of post-modern narrative techniques used in Small World, such as no center, irony,intertextuality, the anti-hero characters as well as metaphorical words. The third sectionanalyzes the characteristics and the theory of the creation of Nice Work, pointing out thatalthough there are a lot of post-modern aspects, Lodge’s writing creation focusing onexpressing the meaning which is a return to the tradition of realism; chapter four is dividedinto three part sections focusing on analyzing the relationship between the Lodge’s noveltheory and novel writing, The first section introduces the consistencies between the twoaspects; the second section analyzes the inconsistencies between the two aspects; the thirdsection explain what cause the antagonistic relationship.
Keywords/Search Tags:Lodge, Novel theory, Novel writing, Keywords research
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