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Analyses In The Tibetan Hero Epic "Gesar" The Horse Cultural

Posted on:2014-06-23Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J L D R d o R j e R b B Full Text:PDF
GTID:2255330425470633Subject:Historical philology
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Rich based on the detailed data of archaeology and ethnology, multi-level and multi-angle to explore the origin, formation and development of Tibetan the horse cultural historical process, through to the Tibetan hero epic\"Gesar\" and show the pentium leap the horse cultural atmosphere in the real life about the horse culture phenomenon to carry on the concrete analysis, proposed the Tibetan horse cultural has rich content, and has a profound historical origins. The full text is divided into introduction, text and epilogue three parts.The first part is the introduction, summarizes the thesis research purpose and significance, research methods and ideas of the status of research both at home and abroad.The second part is the body, divided into three chapters. The first chapter, first of all, according to the textbook explanation, definition of\" The horse cultural\", and then based on the origin of Tibetan the horse cultural and the horse cultural myth background, shows that the Tibetan people have long know horse, with horses, for horses to love, and create conditions for the development of the horse, bring out the best in each other to each other. Chapter ii combined with epic\"Gesar\" in rendering the horse cultural full of vigor and vitality, the horses and religious beliefs; The horse in the important role of production and life; Horse and prominent military position in political events such as functional analysis; Mainly discusses the horse is the other animals can compare the function and appearance of Tibetan the horse cultural profound ideological implication and rich cultural connotation. In the third chapter mainly discusses the development and utilization of Tibetan the horse cultural and protective measures, based on the number of current Tibetan horses fell fast reduction analysis, reveals the modern development instead of the disadvantages of traditional culture.The third part is the conclusion, briefly summarizes the horse cultural epic\"Gesar\" is a reflection of the phenomenon, pointed out that the demise of the horse is not only lose a tool, but a into the demise of the herdsmen in blood culture. And profound Tibetan culture, therefore, you can’t do without in the horse cultural, The horse cultural occupies the important position in the Tibetan culture, has its traditional culture phenomenon that the inheritance and protection of necessity, its special status and the special value determines the deserve special protection.
Keywords/Search Tags:"Gesar", horse culture
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