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A Comparative Study On Digital Translation Of I Ching Within Double Perspectives Of Intralingual And Interlingual Translation

Posted on:2014-08-23Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L L RenFull Text:PDF
GTID:2255330425469378Subject:Foreign Linguistics and Applied Linguistics
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Intralingual and interlingual translation is less used in translation. Intralingual translationis the translation conducting in the same language, which is mainly Chinese classic translationexisting in our real life. Differently, interlingual translation is the translation activityprocessing in different languages, which carries on the communication of two or more kindsof languages, including the literature works and Chinese classics. Both of the intralingual andinterlingual translation focus on language itself.I Ching is an old deep sutra of the crystallization with five-thousand-year culture andwisdom. It is honored as the head of all classics and source of thoroughfare, which istranslated into English or other languages more and more these years. To domestic translators,it is the difficulty of inaccurate comprehension of abstract detonation. Oppositely, the mostdifficulty is the deep cultural meaning and simple refined ancient Chinese to foreigntranslators in Chinese-English translation.Moreover, this article emphasizes on the analysis and comparison of the digitaltranslation of sixty-four hexagrams of I Ching from double perspectives of intralingualtranslation and interlingual translation to get the strategies, rules, forms, procedures andmodels, etc.Under the study of this article, it can get some new things. Firstly, interlingual translationhas six procedures, which are more than intralingual translation. Thus, intralingual translationis the premise and foundation of interlingual translation. Secondly, there are same translationstrategies in both of interlingual translation and intralingual translation, which areword-for-word translation, explicitness, implicitness and conversion. Thirdly, intralingualtranslation is more explicit, on the contrary, interlingual translation is more explicit andimplicit.
Keywords/Search Tags:Intralingual and Interlingual Translation, Digital Translation, TranslationStrategy, Comparative Analysis
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