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Bay An Accordion Music Of Russia-Zolotaryov《SONATA NO.2》

Posted on:2014-11-12Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:D LiuFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Based on the analysis and Research on Zolotaryov and his works, on the basis ofthe original sheet music, combined with the understanding of music performance andtechnical skills, Two degrees of creation.The performer through in-depthunderstanding of style characteristics of work and careful analysis of the musical formstructure, through their own creation experience and skill, to interpret works.Show the superiority of Bayan accordion music works of broad application andnavigate different style works for you. According to performance, and combiningwith actual experience in playing. Discussion is made on the key points of the worksand the Bayan accordion. I hope this works as well as the research of Bayanaccordion, can make all of Zolotaryov ’s music works and Bayan accordion havefurther understanding, to facilitate later in the teaching and playing in the use of.
Keywords/Search Tags:Russia, Bayan accordion, Zolotaryov, music
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