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Ancient Ceramic-Lotus Charm

Posted on:2014-04-22Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y H PanFull Text:PDF
GTID:2255330425458185Subject:Art of Design
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Ceramic is the national treasure in which the Chinese people takegreat pride and a large number of existent ancient ceramics have broughtincomparable artistic enjoyment to the world. In the remains of ancientceramic utensils, there are many treasures with the lotus-shaped modeling,deeply adored by people.The lotus-shaped modeling of Chinese ancient ceramics is not onlyan exquisite expression of the technical level of ancient ceramic artisans,but also a great achievement of excellent skills, which reveals the ancientcultural pursuit and spiritual state from a deep perspective. At present,very few studies are exclusively focused on the lotus-shaped ceramicmodeling, so it is of great significance to make an in-depth study andattempt to fill in the gap in this respect. As contemporary ceramic artists,a thorough reading of traditional ceramic classic traditional ceramicshelps ceramists to understand and ponder from the perspective of theOriental Culture in the artistic research and creation, to pursue the artisticcharacter conforming to our life in its true sense, and create excellentworks with the Chinese culture and art background. By reviewing andanalyzing the typical lotus-shaped modeling of ancient ceramics, thispaper expounds the modeling regularity and aesthetic characteristics oflotus-shaped ceramic utensils, and explores the basic methods andconnotation expression of the modeling constitution.
Keywords/Search Tags:Ceramic utensils, Lotus-shaped, Modeling, Aesthetic characteristics
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