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My Creative Concept Of The Painting Origin Of Aesthetic

Posted on:2014-02-07Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y ZhouFull Text:PDF
GTID:2255330425457526Subject:Fine Arts
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Visual aesthetics is primary and figurative while mental aesthetic is secondary and essential, which are the everlasting features of painting ever since it came into being. As one of the main branches of painting, oil painting has these features as well.However, diverging phenomena have appeared in the area of oil painting which is categorized as visual art:on one hand, artists lay excessive emphasis on visual perception to satisfy sensorial lust and the realize decorative functions and consequently lead their works towards monotone visual aesthetics. This principle of creation results in the lack of thoughts and connotations and the tendency of priggism and superficiality in their works. On the other hand, artists focus merely on the expression of individual thoughts and subjective consciousness, having abandoned the primary of visual aesthetics and turned their works into the carriers of thoughts which make no sense. This principle of creation renders the artistic works difficult to understand. The aesthetic pursuit expressed by the painters through the works may be understood only if literal interpretation and necessary information are provided.In the author’s opinion, neither of the up-mentioned phenomena is advisable. If the satisfaction of visual perception may be regarded as one of the functions of works of fine art in a fashion, in terms of the latter phenomenon mentioned above, artists pay attention merely on the expression of personal thoughts and ignore the formal beauty of pictures. This principle misleads oil painting.The evolution of oil painting in China can be roughly divided into three periods, The first period (from the end of Ming Dynasty to Qing Dynasty during which oil paintings were specially painted for court aristocracies by Western painters in Court, their apprentices and oil-painting workshops) is the realistic period in which Eastern elements such as court aristocracies. The second period (from the Republic of China to "the new trend of fine art in1985") is one during which the European classic realistic techniques were combined with the socialist realistic technique of the Soviet Union. The third period (from "reform and opening-up" to today) is one during which various schools of oil paintings appears and artists make lots of innovations.As a form of Western culture, oil painting has been in China for over100years. Chinese oil painters are never able to get rid of the effects of traditional Chinese culture and local Eastern aesthetic preference on oil painting which was born abroad. The sinicization and nationalization of oil paintings is an issue that the development of oil paintings in China can never avoid.
Keywords/Search Tags:modern art, aesthetics, oil painting, the naturalization of oil painting
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