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Research On The Plaving And Teaching Of Dvorak’s Piano Works Op.101

Posted on:2014-03-26Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X D HuangFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Ntonin Leopold Dvorak is a Czech composer and the representative of the CzechNational Music School. He has made outstanding contributions to the development ofthe national music of Czech. He not only brought the Czech music abroad, but alsoenabled more people of western European countries to understand the Czech music andSlavic music.The piano work Op.101was composed in1894and commonly called EightHumoresques. In regard to this work, this paper seeks to explore his career since heinherited the butchery legacy from his father and embarked on musical study, unveilinghis most challenging12years of his early life spanning from his graduation frommusical school to his initial recognition by the public as a composer. The god of goodfortune however always favors those who had suffered, and in the composition contest-The Talented Young Artists in1875, he received the admiration from prestigiousmusicians such as Hanslick and Brahms, and eventually become a world-class musicalmaster under the selfless help of Brahms. The paper then gives a musical analysis ofpiano work Op.101regarding the musical style and harmony, and provides a generalsummary of the main structural forms and characteristics of harmony and rhythm,demonstrating that his work is conservative in terms of musical form and harmony,while the musical language is primitive and vivid. The most brilliant highlight of thiswork is the composer’s great craftsmanship in using repeated rhythm in writing, yetbeing able to leave people with different emotional experience. The final partconducts analysis about some of the important and difficult points from the perspectivesof playing and teaching to enable people to understand this music works of thecomposer more comprehensively.
Keywords/Search Tags:Dvorak, humoresque, musical analysis, key points of the performance
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