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The Study Of Costumes Ethical Culture In Han Dynasty

Posted on:2014-08-07Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:D H FuFull Text:PDF
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Both costumes culture and ethical culture are closely linked to the long history ofChinese culture of five thousand years, and the development, expression and change ofcostumes are inseparable from the moral ethic of intrinsic factors in each period. The dress ofthe people is constrained and guided by the ethics morality, as it were thought to be goodcompetent partner inside and outside of each era. Costumes and ethical are two importantfactors which greatly impacted people daily life, and the mastered intrinsically link betweencostumes and ethics is the best sally port of comprehensive understanding of social. As aresult, the study of costumes culture and ethical culture is the optima sally port to analysesthe society at that time. In order to comprehend the costumes ethical at each times, in-depthanalysis and summarized should be done in costumes culture and ethical culture, and onlythorough understanding of the position of the two factors can be to integrate them and correctcostumes ethical discussion and research. This articles start from the two basis aspects and todraw the proper conclusions after the analysis.As a golden era of the history of Chinese costumes, Han Dynasty is a very important erain the history of China, and it is also served as a link between past and future of the history ofChinese thought. As one bright star in history of costumes, Han costumes still play animportant part in presence. Throughout the development of the Chinese society since the Handynasty, depend on its dignified atmosphere of style and rich cultural connotations, the HanDynasty costumes, not only become the traditional dress of the Han nationality, but also hasgreat important status and influence in the entire world. It can be seen from the Han Dynastydress in Chinese costumes culture has the importance that cannot be ignored. Han thoughtboth pooled and carry forward the one hundred thinking of pre-Qin, but also the source oflater dynasties ideological system and basic. It occupies important position in the past andplay an unparalleled role in supporting the development of the society has. The ethicalthinking of “ousted hundred confucian-communist societies” influences the development ofthe Chinese for generations, and the development in China is still in Ethical thinking as abasic starting point at present, and developed a suitable social think outside the box dependon this basis. After all, the Ethical thinking effected the development and growth of China’straditional society. Then, this study starting from the Han Dynasty ethical thinking and dressculture, through the description the relationship of Han costume ethics and the pre-Qin periodcostume ethics to explain the basis and the sources of the Han costume ethics, and the senseof the adapt to the environment. Through the study of costume ethics in political life, religion,family and social customs comprehensive, we systematic analyzed the important role thatdress ethics play throughout the Han Dynasty. Through the study of the impact of the HanCostume ethical on future generations, the Han Costume ethics not only plays an importantrole in Han Dynasty, it also the basic idea of the development of social costumes ethicaldynasty in the future generations. A series of studies of the Han Dynasty costumes ethics inthis article not only from an innovative angle to learn about the Han Dynasty and deepen thestudy of costumes ethical theory, but also had an impact on the development of latercostumes ethics, which is conducive to the study and understanding of the Han Dynasty costumes ethics.
Keywords/Search Tags:Han Dynasty, Ethical thought, Costume ethical, Social custom
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