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Ding Yinnan Biographies Film Studies

Posted on:2015-01-25Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L N ShengFull Text:PDF
GTID:2255330422469825Subject:Radio and Television Arts
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Biographies of film art film is a special family type, especially in our country, but alsohas a distinctive ethnic characteristics, with the development of Chinese cinema, thetraditional forms of expression biopic higher grade style has gradually been new audiovisualExpression instead. Biopic about Chinese characters, we have to mention a director isAnthony Tan Ding, Ding guide to shooting film biographies known, especially in shooting thefilm biography of great men known to everyone. Ding Yin Nan works mostly Chineserevolution historical background, a very typical Chinese characteristics, and the blend ofhistory and poetry with a unique narrative style, the difference between mainstream movies inthe same period. Ding Yin Nan biography movie is directed by China in recent contemporarycharacters poetic biography expression, showing the history of the nation beyond the humanspirit. This paper focuses on research Ding Yin Nan director biographies works through acomprehensive analysis of video content, narrative features, creative style, etc., summed upthe development context and artistic features Ding Yin Nan director biographies work,highlighting its Chinese character biography film development important position, and drawon the development of Chinese film biography reference.The first chapter is on the small Yin Nan director himself, and all the works of a briefoverview, but also causes Ding Yin Nan director Series biography film analysis; Chapter IIwill Ding Yin Nan of several biographies films classified analysis, the focus from the visualangles comprehensive three-dimensional analysis,"Sun Yat-sen","Zhou Enlai","DengXiaoping","accompanied forever","Lu Xun","General Tao Zhiyue Peace" and other works,dig director Ding Yin Nan unique artistic attainments series of films about the biographies;first chapters mainly from the narrative, artistic pursuit of two major aspects of Ding Yin Nandirector biographies do elaborate analysis; last chapter, do a comprehensive analysis by DingYin Nan directed biopic on the development of Chinese biography of the film, including thestatus of development and prospects.
Keywords/Search Tags:Ding Yinnan, Biography, Narrative style, Art style, Market
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