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Research Of Reaction Words In Russian Dialogues Under The Speech Act Theory

Posted on:2014-10-09Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L WangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2255330422451176Subject:Russian Language and Literature
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The British philosopher Austin first proposed the Speech act theory in1950s,after improvement and development works by the American language philosopherSearle and others, the speech act theory has become one of the core theories ofPragmatics. The core idea of the theory is that verbal communication itself is inthe implementation of an act. With the unique perspective, the Speech act theoryopened up a new space for the pragmatics research, it also makes it a hot topic thatanalyzing specific corpus by the Speech act theory in the pragmatics researchfield.Dialogues play an important role in verbal communication; they are not onlythe manifestation of verbal communication, but also the important carrier of thelanguage culture and national culture. Dialogue are made up of the stimulatingwords and reaction words, it needs the joint participation of the speaker andrecipient which acts alternately, and forming an integral dialogue finally; in acertain context, the dialogue sides are both the speaker and recipient. Reactionwords are the communication words that being directly used to react to thespeaker’s words or the circumstance.Russian reaction words have a wide range of forms and meanings and have thebright national culture characteristic. Based on the Speech act theory, the paperstudies the reaction words in Russian dialogue, with Russian spoken dialogue,Russian literature and Russian movies as specific corpus. First, using thedefinition method, the paper distinguished the reaction words; then, usingenumeration method and inductive method, the paper analyzed the words’ sources,features, expressing means and influencing factors; Last, with classification method, the paper classified and analyzed the semantic functions of the reactionwords through examples; meanwhile, combining the context, the paper studied theuses of Russian reaction words in speech act such as greeting words, thanks words,rejecting words and parting expressions, etc.The Russian reaction word is an important carrier of the Russian languageculture and plays an important role in Russian verbal communication, while theSpeech act theory provides a new perspective for the pragmatics research from thetheoretical level. Thus, researching the reaction words in Russian dialogues by theSpeech act theory has important guiding significance and practical significance forthe Russian linguistics research and Russian cultural awareness and understanding.
Keywords/Search Tags:Speech Act Theory, Russian Dialogues, Reaction Words, SemanticFunctions
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