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Wang Shuo, Wang Xiaobo: Two Game Writing Of Contemporary Literature

Posted on:2014-05-05Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:H CuiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2255330401963825Subject:Chinese Modern and Contemporary Literature
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
This paper is using the method of close reading and comparative studies, the perspectiveof the game, through a comparative analysis of the major game works of Wang Shuo andWang Xiaobo, excavated the different generated causes and meaning of the two differentgame texts. The paper is divided into three parts; the first part is the main compositionanalysis of the two game texts, we found in the comparison of the two game texts that thereare certain game features on three aspects constitute in the two game texts,which are fictionalcharacters、fiction language and novel structure. The fictional characters of Wang Shuo andWang Xiaobo all have the game features like the cynicism and play the life, but comparativelyspeaking, characters of Wang Shuo are irrational, emptiness and negative, while characters ofWang Xiaobo are reasonable wisdom and positive. The novel language of Wang Shuo andWang Xiaobo all have the characteristics of free and witty, but comparatively speaking, novellanguage of Wang Shuo is more freely, but rushed language is ridicule dispelled all practicalsignificance; while novel language of Wang Xiaobo is more restrained, and have morespeculative characteristics. The novel structure of Wang Shuo and Wang Xiaobo have freecharacteristic,which is subversion of the traditional novel structure, but comparativelyspeaking, the novel structure of Wang Shuo is relatively simple, artistic skills are not matureenough, and still did not get rid of traditional novel’s shadow. While the structure of the novelWang Xiaobao is largely out of the traditional novel structure trap, showing skilled artistry.In the second chapter, this article is the analysis of two different novel text generated byWang Shuo and Wang Xiaobo in three parts,which are personal experiences, literature,literacy and literary stance. As the personal experience, because of experience of towards theedge from the Little Red Guards of Wang Shuo, which affect the “game characters” and the“game language” in his novels; while Wang Xiaobo is due to the its “Urchin experienced” to“Revolutionary experience" and then the “Arts and science compatible experience” threeexperiences, which are affecting the generation of “game characters” and “games Language”in his novels. In literary accomplishment, Wang Shuo is lack of the literary accomplishment ina certain degree led to his work with the game features fictional characters, the novel gamelanguage and the generation of novel structure; while Wang Xiaobo is better in Westernliterary accomplishment, which had a great impact in fictional character, the novel languageas well as the novel structure in his works. In the literature on the issue, Wang Shuo’s gametext generated mainly due to his commercial popular literature stance.While Wang Xiaobo’sgame text generated mainly due to his elite literary stance. In the third chapter, the paper mainly analyzes the different meanings in game texts ofboth Wang Shuo and Wang Xiaobo. Primarily analyze from a literary point of view andintellectuals perspective. From a literary point of view, Wang Shuo’s game text is not onlywith the characteristics of the "vulgar" literature, but also has the elegant literary style. So themeaning of Wang Shuo’s game text is to break through the literary field "elegant "and" vulgar"grading across the boundaries of the" elegant "and" vulgar ".ever since the May FourthMovement, While Wang Xiaobo as a heterogeneity writer who inherited and developed theconcept and wording of the new novel writing, and because his unique game-qualified writingby virtue of both Chinese and Western literature and his own talent, he has creates his ownroad in a unique style of China’s new novel; From the perspective of intellectuals, Wang Shuois a cynicism, he is highly critiquing the traditional culture and values of ethical system,although this criticism has some social meaning, but still is a negative criticism.Wang Xiaoboas a liberal is critiquing traditional culture and totalitarian despotism. Relative to Wang Shuo,this kind of liberal criticism of Wang Xiaobo is more constructive. Finally, this paper made achoice between Wang Shuo and Wang Xiaobo from the perspectives of literature andintellectuals.
Keywords/Search Tags:Wang Shuo, Wang Xiaobo, Game
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