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On Chen Zufen Reportage Creation

Posted on:2014-11-30Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:M YangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2255330401963817Subject:Modern and Contemporary Literature
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In contemporary China, there are arrays of female reportage writers. Either from style ofworks or from the creation path, Chen Zufen proves to be a unique writer. Since1979, she hascommenced reportage creation. Her works, such as Motherland Goes Beyond Everything,Communist, Career of Resuscitating People, Theoretical Madman, The Peacock Flies toSouthwest, have achieved National Outstanding Reportage Award from the first session to thefifth session. Among all the writers of reportage in new period, only Chen Zufen achieved thishonor.She has been highlighting two topics, namely, intellectuals and reform, with praise andeulogy as primary expression forms. As for the development of the times, her works appearedto be shallow and simple, and usually persisted in following mainstream ideology. Meanwhile,along with the development of the times, her works substantially reduced their degree ofrecognition.In regard of expression forms, Chen Zufen developed her unique characteristics, adept inabsorbing different artistic expression techniques. In particular, her early works observed,considered and reproduced report objects from the perspective of literature. From her works,people can often feel that art is stylized, which is a great contribution made by Che Zufen toreportage.Since30years ago, Chen Zufen has been engaged in reportage creation with fewbreakthroughs. Most of her innovations intend to increase text readability by dint ofdiversified artistic expression techniques. It can be said that Chen Zufen always attempts tofollow the times, but it is difficult for her to create times-transcending works and surpassherself.It is worthwhile to study the contradictory phenomenon that Chen Zufen reportage attractsincreasingly less attention, but achieves many awards and much mainstream politicalidentification. However, due to the behindhand study on reportage, academic community paysinsufficient attention to such phenomenon about Chen Zufen reportage. With Chen Zufenreportage creation as research object, this paper peruses related text, sorts out the context of her creation and summarizes every creation peak of Chen Zufen reportage from the perspective ofliterature history. This attempts to systematically and comprehensively explore the cause for thecontradictory phenomenon of Chen Zufen reportage from various aspects, such as timesbackground and the influence of politics on literature.
Keywords/Search Tags:mainstream ideology, expression forms, Chen Zufen, literature history
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