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Ji Opera Music Researh

Posted on:2014-03-29Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y LiuFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Ji opera is a kind of new local opera in the Northeast Errenzhuan based on the absorption of the opera music and drama characteristic and form. Ji opera combines the tunes and singing, four big business with traditional opera (born, Dan, net, ugly), by singing, reading, doing, called the show. Ji opera music and music to two homologous to the clan, there are the same or similar, but Ji opera music has the prominent characteristic different from the music, which has its distinctive drama.In this paper, the opera of Jilin province Ji opera music as the main object of study, to elucidate the mechanism of Ji opera music, the historical research method development process, using the method of music ontology analysis, relationship between Ji opera music melody form, melody characteristics, accompaniment music and composition, characteristic and performance.In this paper, from Ji opera composition, Ji opera of the relationships between the parts, Ji opera the interactions between components and Ji opera music characteristics of these four aspects to carry on the analysis. First of all, from the perspective of historical development, the formation of his birth Qing Ji opera as well as the gradual improvement of the development process. Secondly, from the relationship between the characteristics of Ji opera music itself, singing, instrumental accompaniment, dance, skills, drama creation and interactive, and to analyze the music is how to promote the plot development, how the character description. Again, analysis of prominent figures of the musical sound and tune, musical instrumental accompaniment and creation to promote the role, the relationship between various elements of music, and discusses the position and role in the development of Jilin opera music in Ji opera. Finally, through the analysis of the nature and characteristics of Ji opera music, to regional, aesthetic and historical character argument Ji opera music.
Keywords/Search Tags:Music characteristics, Aria Vocal accompaniment, Multiple, fact
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