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Theory Of Feng Xiaogang Film Construction Of Citizens In The Form Of Value Culture

Posted on:2014-09-22Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y LiangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2255330401956534Subject:Literature and art
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Feng Xiaogang nearly twenty years of film has been subject to the general public’sfavorite. Feng Xiaogang the film as a "new realism" model, model and characteristic ofdomestic and foreign scholars for have been studied. Feng Xiaogang films have beenobserved from multiple perspectives of social, human nature, survival. Daily life as thestarting point of Feng Xiaogang’s film text creation. Social status as the creationbackground, people dream, illness and death, alienation of human nature, Soul Salvation,marriage and family, civilian spirit and so on are Feng Xiaogang of the daily life writing.This paper mainly depicts the Feng Xiaogang movie on daily life. This paperrespectively from the daily life of head-up, discussion is made on the Feng Xiaogangfilm three angles to look down and look up. Feng Xiaogang performance of daily life inperformance, but also on the social structure in China after the reform, the dailyconsumption structure, deep social values.The value of the form of civic culture from three aspects of the Feng Xiaogangfilm. From the first civilian visual level citizen ideal, is the concept of cultural valuepeople daily, the daily life of the passions, Feng Xiaogang is one of the successfulfactors of Feng Xiaogang into the public view of life in daily life these civilian dailythemes, Feng Xiaogang comedy creation technique performance of daily life inhappiness and joy, grief and sorrow. Feng Xiaogang started to pay attention to the dailylife of civilians to civilians attitude and perspective. Secondly, to the observation ofeveryday life in the deep Feng Xiaogang in the film, Feng Xiaogang began to payattention to the social structure, and the globalization of China under the developmentof social system, economic development, the impact of capital and market value formand the way of life of people’s daily life, relates to the daily consumption view, morallevel, desire for material and spiritual life the pursuit of the factors. The social impact ofmaterialistic gradually affecting the daily life style changes, also changes in changingthe human nature and the spirit world. Go all lengths, emptiness, desires expansion,moral condemnation also spread in daily life. Feng Xiaogang is also a change indirection by the initiative of daily life in the reaction the current social and national conditions, at the same time the construction form value civic culture in new, began towrite the public spirit and value idea. Finally, discusses the sublimity of citizens in FengXiaogang several types of films spirit, Feng Xiaogang is not only good at breakthroughfilm subjects from daily life, and for the current social taunt type look, more good atfinding the daily life in the presence of high values, Feng Xiaogang interpretation of theequality of the individual life with images, interpretation a daily relationship betweencollapse and reconstruction.
Keywords/Search Tags:civic culture, in daily life, noble, form of value
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