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Research On The Genlter Philosophy Of Alain De Botton’s Works

Posted on:2014-09-09Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:W PuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2255330401954546Subject:Comparative Literature and World Literature
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Alain de Botton is a famous British writer in nowdays,who has published three novelsand eight essays.In de Botton’s novels, the plot isn’t twisty and the characters are simle, butthese works are distinguished for wise lenovo and rational analysis.With unique visual angleand meticulous observation on all aspects of daily life,de botton is consistently his writingway.Knowledge update quickly in the21st century, the rapid progress of science andtechnology.De Botton thoroughly calculated the losses and gains in modernization process, inhis works, De Botton made a forthright and sincere criticism of modern society.But at thesame time the writer keeps mind on human society. De Botton tries to find relief. for modernpeople with gentle philosophy of life.I am trying to study de Botton according to the text, byanalyzing the author’s observation and thought of the state of modern life in the novels andessays,I will put a comprehensive display of de Botton’s unique philosophy.This thesis consists of three chapters: The first chapter systematically sorting out deBotton’s observation and thought of modern love relationship, social life ect. in his romancenovels and The Consolations of Philosophy. With exploring the writer’s diagnostic process ofmodern society, in this chapter I will point out that the real pain mainly for anxiety andloneliness, and interprete from two different aspects of the biosphere and the life world.As deBotton’s essays being autobiographical works,the second chapter focuses on The Art of Traveland A Week at the Airport:A Heathrow Diary,the essays of travel. This chapter will touchupon the travel experience of de Botton.,and explore his new understanding of the real lifeand the living world within his own travel process. By making a specific treatment effect onanxious and loneliness, travel will be a meaning and valuable means to offer consolations.The third chapter discusses de Botton’s idea of returning to everyday life after travel.Thechapter will conduct a comparative study on Status Anxiety, The Architecture of Happiness,and The Pleasures and Sorrows of Work,expresses the writer’s understanding and acception ofscience and technology, elaborates de Botton’s changes of aesthetic ideas on daily life.Thischapter display to the full de Botton’s rethink of modernity and how gentle his everyday lifephilosophy is. At the end of this chapter, the significances of de Botton’s new values ofmodern life to human beings will be discussed.
Keywords/Search Tags:Alain de Botton, gentler philosophy, anxiety, loneliness, travel
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