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Posted on:2013-09-27Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:B LiuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2255330401950799Subject:Foreign philosophy
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Caicos in his book,"anti-liberal, liberalism, sharp criticism. He believes thatliberalism to the pursuit of positive goals and want to avoid negative goals areincompatible, the positive objectives are: autonomy, rights, equality, distributivejustice and the value of pluralism, that is, the pursuit of goodness; negative target toavoid such as dictatorship, poverty, selfishness, oppression, cruelty and other evil. Inhis view, liberalism insist on autonomy, equality and diversity of the extent of thehigher, the scope of evil but, the more prevalent, liberalism as a necessary condition toachieve the good life in fact promote it wants to avoid evil. To reduce the prevalenceof evil, we must deny the fundamental value of liberalism espoused. In the the Caicosopinion, the political ideology of liberalism, is an interior full of contradictions,inconsistencies in the concept, is not worth to believe in The Caicos critique ofliberalism is the reason why the prevalence from the evil, and carried out severalissues of personal responsibility, collective responsibility, egalitarianism, justice anddeserve, pluralism, etc.. Evil Caicos liberalism ignored the reasons for the prevalenceof cognitive on the evil I do not know the individual comprehensive liberalismadvocated at this stage the principle of autonomy, it will lead to evil is more prevalent;responsibility, Caicos responsibility concept and they adhere to the principle ofautonomy of liberalism is contradictory; equality and justice in deserved Caicosegalitarian concept of freedom, justice and deserve concept of ignoring the moralconnotation given; pluralism Caicos believe that liberalism is not compatible withpluralism.The critical point of view of liberalism in terms of evil, responsibility,egalitarianism, justice and deserve, pluralism, etc. this paper Caicos Caicos’s point ofview of the anti-criticism, put forward the view of the author of some immature thatliberalism is a theory of human society, so far more systematic and reasonable, aftermany liberals in the deep thinking and practical verification on the basis of constantlyrevised and improved the crystallization. Although the Caicos critical perspective islogically reasonable, if a specific historical seen in the history of liberal theory andCaicos its critical standing, but one-sided error is not very consistent with actual hiscritique of liberalism is less successful. One by one to defend the attitude of liberalismCaicos critical view of the comments and refutations, and liberalism on thedevelopment of China’s modernization of reference: point out that at this stage,China’s rapid development and to achieve freedom and equality the state mustconduct a more in-depth reform.
Keywords/Search Tags:Liberalism, Evil, Responsibility, Egalitarian, Justice and should be
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