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An Inquiry Into The Philosophical Concepts Of Jinggangshan Spirit

Posted on:2014-02-12Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Q WuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2255330401487975Subject:Marxist philosophy
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Jinggangshan spirit such a proletarian revolutionary spirit of Mao Zedong andother proletarian revolutionaries of the older generation is created JinggangshanRevolutionary Base, Nurture the process of opening up the new road of the Chineserevolution, the Chinese Communists use the universal truth of Marxism with thecombination of great crystallization of contemporary Chinese revolutionary struggle.Jinggangshan spirit not only in the Chinese revolutionary war is to inspire theJinggangshan revolutionary base military and civilian holy grail and spiritual supportto defeat the enemy, and it is important spiritual power of building a socialist societywith Chinese characteristics and the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation the causeof the precious spiritual wealth.In recent years, the academic Jinggangshan spirit to do in-depth research. Ingeneral terms, the Jinggangshan spirit of exploration just focused on the importance ofcarrying forward the Jinggangshan spirit of the scientific connotation andcharacteristics with other revolutionary spirit and internal relations of the intrinsic linkwith the ideological and political education of college students, few philosophicaldimensions to explore. For the Jinggangshan spirit of scientific and comprehensiveconnotation, we all agree with Comrade Jiang Zeeman’s speech in June2001in theJinggangshan spirit "firm belief and hard work; seeking truth from facts, the courageto innovate Road; rely on the masses, and the courage to win the science summarized.From the current situation of academic research, scholars attach great importanceto the study of the spirit of Jinggangshan, in many areas related research. But together,scholars Jinggangshan spirit upon which the formation and based on the worldoutlook and methodology based-philosophy basically not involved, related researchrather weak. Based on this, the paper is intended to be on the Jinggangshan spirit ofthe formation and basic connotation, combing based on macro analysis and reveal thephilosophical basis of the spirit of Jinggangshan, philosophy. This is the biggestinnovation in the papersThis paper from the start with the Jinggangshan spirit analysis the formation oftheoretical premise and basic theoretical connotation, trying to reveal theJinggangshan spirit of the philosophy on which theoretical premises and embedded inthe spirit of Jinggangshan dialectical materialism and historical materialismphilosophical implication, in-depth study throughout in the spirit of Jinggangshanconnotation all aspects of the main line-the worldview basis and methodologicalsignificance.
Keywords/Search Tags:the Jinggangshan spirit, Marxist philosophy, practice
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