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A Study On The Folktale Type Of Fire Savior In All Ages

Posted on:2014-10-17Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:G S WangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2255330401484717Subject:Ancient Chinese literature
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Dog running spring is a famous spring located in Zibo Yiyuan,Shandongprovince. The legend that the dog save the master are well known in the nearbyvillages.In Qi Lianxiu’s book the ancient Chinese folktale types this type belongs tothe fire savior type and it is clear recorded in the “Sou shen ji”in Jin dynasty. And intoday’s Shanghai, Fujian and the northeast, linyi and other places this story runs frommouth to mouth. It has a strong vitality. The purpose of this paper is to make the Dogrunning spring as a starting point and to make deep discussion of the fire savior type.Especially make the longitudinal and transverse comparison of the derivatives indifferent times and regions, to conclude that the story is always combined with thelocal places and traditional habits in the spread process to form a new type with thelocal characteristics and more viable.The innovation of this paper lies in that the storytypes is few studied by the scholars, I have not found any paper or book of the storyon the fire savior. As to Mr Qi’s view that the Type of fire savior is the main type,danger savior and gold savior are the subtype,I don’t agree with him.As to me,danger savior is the main type,and fire savior and gold savior are the subtype.At thesame time, I proceed a field investigation about the spread situation of this legend,and at the end of the paper I make a speculation of the circulating situation of the typeof fire savior.That is originated in Hubei, gradually spread to Shanghai, Yangzhouregion, finally to Shandong and northeast area, south to Fujian, forming a story typeof rich vitality.There are five chapters In this paper, the first chapter is the Research review.Itmainly make a introduction of the type of story, comb the stories similar to the firesavior especially the animal gratitude type, and show the uniqueness of the dogrunning spring, put forward the purpose of writing this article and the researchproblems. The second part is to illustrate the concepts used in this paper: story types,historical geography, prototype and subtype, stories and legends. The third part is toillustrate the research methods used in this paper: field research method, comparison,investigation and so on. Chapter two is the introduction of the story of fire savior andGouquan village; The third chapter is the longitudinal and transverse comparisonresearch of the fire savior story, this is the focus parts of the paper. Make acomparison of fire savior with the story writted in Soushenji of GanBao andSoushenhouji of Tao Yuanming. and develop specific analysis of the five plot unit:(drunk) lie grass-fire-dog save the master-live (dog died)-the follow-up activities(built monuments, burial).As to the fire savior type spread contemporary,I make acomparation with the fire savior spread in Gouquan and Fujian region, in theShanghai area, northeast area and the LinYi area. Through the comparison, draw aconclusion that the dog running spring story is not as suggested by the local people’sis an local original story. It was appeared as early as the Jin dynasty.The fourth chapter is the fire savior type story compared with its subtype danger savior and goldsavior. put forward my own different views, it is also the innovation of this article;Chapter five aim at the fact that many folk stories all make dog as the basicelements, analyze the importance of dogs in folklore stories. From totem worship, theimportant role of dogs in our daily life and the symbolic significance of dogs tospread the analysis; Chapter six is the fieldwork of the route of transmission of thedog running spring, especially the villager’s representation. And women’s story iseasier than men. The dog running spring plays an important role for local people, notonly the source of domestic water, but also the spiritual bailment is mind. Chapterseven aims to analyze the spread of the story of fire savior,to analyze thetransmission routes, conclude that this type originated from Hubei area, graduallyspread to Shanghai, Yangzhou region, finally to Shandong and northeast, south toFujian; The last part is epilogue, summarize all the views.
Keywords/Search Tags:fire savior, the longitudinal and transverse comparation, dog runningspring, spread route
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