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A Pragmatic Analysis Of Deixis In Advertising Language

Posted on:2014-03-29Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L L LiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2255330401483429Subject:English Language and Literature
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
As an important social phenomenon, advertising plays a very important role and has in-depth influences upon different field of our society, including national economy, market development, foreign trade as well as people’s daily life.Advertising language is a reflection of the social culture with pragmatic functions. Basically, advertising language belongs to the vocative or persuasive language, which leads to that the copywriters try their best to use language skills to achieve their business purposes. Deixis is a common phenomenon of human language, and it reflects the close relationship between language use and context. Deixis is also the original features of human languages, it refers to the factors of language context in order to provide accurate understanding of the speaker and events. And advertising language is a kind of message spread with its commercial purpose. The writers of advertisement is somewhat the process of code making, who convey in language the product or the information source, and make the codes of information that the customers can receive. By using deictic words, including person deixis, time deixis, place deixis, discourse deixis and social deixis, which greatly increase the persuasive effects of advertising.In this thesis, there collected some different kinds of Chinese and foreign advertisements to have a research on the pragmatic deixis. By combining the advertising language with pragmatic theories, this thesis attempts to assist people to have a better understanding of deixis in advertising language as well as the features of advertising language. Additionally, the author study in this aspect will take contributions to the further research of the advertising language development and promote the improvement of the economy and society.Based on the historical background and theoretical foundation of deixis and advertising language, the author of this thesis analyses pragmatic deixis in advertising language from five aspects. At first, an introduction of the thesis is given including the background, purpose and the outline of the whole thesis. Then the history review and theories on dexis and advertising language are presented. Based on the theoretical foundations, the thesis applies the analysis of different deictics in advertising language and the functions of deixis in shortening the distance between the advertiser and consumer. Finally, the conclusion is accomplished on the base of qualitative analysis and case study.The author makes her effort to study advertising language in a new perspective in order to advice to the copywriter, attracts people’s attention to language use in society, leads to the diversity of advertising language and helps to organize the microstructure of advertising discourse.
Keywords/Search Tags:pragmatic deixis, advertising language, functions
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