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Taguchi Ukichi’s Historiography Of Civilization

Posted on:2014-01-23Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:D F WangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2255330401481377Subject:World History
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Taguchi Ukichi, who boarded the stage of the history of Japan from the early Meiji,actived to the Russia-Japanese War occasion. As a liberal economist, a industrialist, and ahistorian, who is widely known to the world. He’s principal propositions including:Civilization and Enlightenment Marxism、 Utilitarianism、 Populism、 Free Principle ofDemocracism、Social reformism and ext. The various ideologies and propositions mutualpenetrations and impacts, form the unique Taguchi Ukichi’s Historiography of Civilization.The Enlightenment Historiography of Civilization, which decked from FukuzawaYukichi’s ‘Outline of Civilization Theory’,and affected the folk popular historian, had animportant position on the history of Japanese History.Taguchi Ukichi, who applicated of economic theories, which associated with thedevelopment of civilization rules and the development of goods,who observed Japanesehistory by the economic things and the spiritual and cultural’s relationship as the bossrod.With the ‘Nihon Kaihua shōshi’‘Shina Kaihua shōshi’’Nihon Kaihua no seishitsu”etc. as major civilization history books for representatives,which showed the civilizationhistorian’s vision of Taguchi Ukichi’s unique perspectives of economists.This Subject mainly intends to do a more comprehensive discussion of TaguchiUkichi’s Historiography of Civilization. First, from the Ming Liushe’s Enlightening,Freedom of the civil rights movements and the absorption and digestion of Westerncivilizations to explore the origins of Japanese civilization historians; Second, combineswith Taguchi Ukichi’s careers and scholarships, the civilization historians’ orientalrepercussions--‘Nihon Kaihua shōshi’‘Shina Kaihua shōshi’,which are the materialbasises of the theory.; Third, economist background, making Taguchi’s civilizationhistorians with a distinctive characteristics of Economics. In particular, with thefluctuations in the price of rice analysis of the dynamic development of society ismaterialistic. Above all the three parts, the second and third are the emphases anddifficulties.This paper uses positivist research methods, and followes the principles of MarxistHistorical Materialism, which stresses that Taguchi Ukichi’s Historiography of Civilizationbelongs to the genre of Bourgeois Historians. His accomplishments of Historiography ofCivilization have the naive materialism tendencies, which also have deficiencies ofself-contradictory and self-denial. However, the school of thought effects the historiansacademic circles both in Japan and China.
Keywords/Search Tags:Taguchi Ukichi, Historiography of Civilization, Nihon Kaihua shōshi, ShinaKaihua shōshi
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