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Sentence Pattern Transformation Methods In Report Interpretation

Posted on:2014-01-02Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Z M ZhuFull Text:PDF
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The paper generally falls into four parts. The first it gives a comprehensive introductionof the interpretation project. Since2001, European Union has found oversea generaladministration and relegate to MECEC as the executive institution in China carrying forwardEuro Asia Invest Project. In2010,2011and2012, EU-China Business Meeting (Jilin)co-hosted by Jilin government and MECEC in Jilin Province which gains a lot of supportsfrom European countries. In2012session, this meeting lasts two days. The first day, JilinGovernor and Vice-Governor as well as foreign guests delivered their welcoming andgreeting speeches and The Vice-Governor gave the provincial condition report. The secondday, entrepreneurs from both home and abroad had a face to face meeting. The main task ofthe writer and other volunteer students is to assistant foreign guests understand what thereports are and communicate with Chinese businessmen. This paper will focus on themethods of sentence pattern transformation during interpretation of Provincial SituationReport delivered by Vice-Governor Chen Weigen.Then, Chapter One concerns the distinctive features of political documents and gives theinterpretation theory and approaches. Provincial Situation Report is one of governmentreports and belongs to official documents format, which has both oral and writtencharacteristics. The sentences of which composed quit long and has complicate constituents,but those constituents logically arranged with clear meaning. In order to let more foreignbusinessmen understand Chinese national condition, development and policies and guidelinesas well as improve the interpretation quality of publicity with a goal making it more readableand understandable, the writer think the interpretation should adopt flexible interpretationstrategy based on EugeneA. Nida’s functional equivalence theory.The third and the fourth part are the main body. In the third part, the writer pointed outthe difficulties during interpretation process based on the characteristics of government report,and in the fourth part, the author has summarized the transformation methods for eachsentence constituents, such as how to find out subject, make sure predicate, how to make surethe subject and predicate you chose or the sentence constituents you arranged are morepowerful to express the speaker’s intention, especially the interpretation methods for longsentences and long modifiers.In conclusion, the author summarized the application of interpretation approach inGovernment report in light of functional equivalence theory. Those sentence patterntransformation methods which had been mentioned in the paper can be used in the sentencespattern reconstruction in report interpretation with the aim of assistance the followinginterpreters to shorten the time of smooth the source sentence and accelerate the speed oftransformation from source to target language and elevate the accuracy of interpretation. The writer hopes this paper can make a little effort for other interpreters when they interpretpolitical documents and enrich the interpretation research of government documents.
Keywords/Search Tags:sentence constituent, transformation, interpretation
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