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Market-oriented MTI Program In The Perspective Of Christiane Nord’s Model Of Translation Competence

Posted on:2014-07-13Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X M CaiFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Translation and interpretation play a critical role in connecting people to people, marketto market, culture to culture, and government to government and make services moreaccessible. Presently, the issue of translation and interpretation is very hot in China, andattracting public attention and thus several scholars have started to study the field deeply fromdifferent angles in order to improve the developing policies, procedures, curriculum andteaching methodology as means to find out the possible solutions to problems of themarketplaces. The Chinese government is also keen enough about the MTI program, and hasattached a great deal of importance to support and finance universities for further researchesand technical support. With the opening up of China to rest of the world, professionaltranslators and interpreters become very rare talents all over the country. Thousands ofstudents majoring in foreign language studies come out Chinese universities with degreesevery year, yet they are not trained professionally and equipped with the necessary skills andknowledge to satisfy the demands of the marketplaces and fulfill the shortage of professionals.The study tried out to explore and investigate the current situation of MTI in Chineseuniversities, and has analyzed the causes of unqualified graduates and shortage ofprofessionals in the marketplaces. Finally, the study proposes some tools and strategies toenhance the educational system like reform the curriculum, change teaching methodology andsupervise the marketplace. The findings clearly indicated that the program of translation andinterpretation is based on trial and error, or some call it hit or miss’ approach. Most of theuniversity lecturers are trained as second language acquisition, not trained professionally inthe field specifically to cultivate with competences and qualification. In closing, the researchhighlights the importance of community participation, government support and universities’cooperation at regional, national and international for cross-cultural communication,development of educational ideals and sharing of different ideas, practices and experiences.
Keywords/Search Tags:Translation and Interpretation, Master of Translation and Interpretation, Cross-Cultural Communication, Educational Ideals
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