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Artistic Characteristics And Concert Of《Sweetheart Like Damahua》

Posted on:2013-06-27Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L H ChenFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The song <sweetheart like Damahua> is well known by many vocal music learners because it contains a wealth of emotional and strong ethnic style. In this article, the artistic characteristics of the song will be identified by concerning its creation background, connotation of words, elements of music and personal experience. These concerns can show some beneficial exploration in performing this song.<Sweetheart like Damahua> can be divided into four chapters. The first one introduces the era and creation background. Its creation experience and process are also explained in detail in this chapter. Thus, readers can have better knowledge of its background. In the second chapter, not only lyrics connotation elaborate is analyzed, but the form structure and melody features of this song is also studied, with explanation of its unique style and characteristics. The third chapter is focus on concert performance of this song. The last chapter analyzes self performing of this song according to its characteristics.
Keywords/Search Tags:"background", "style", "art characteristic", "concert"
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