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On The Philosophy Thought Of Wanggen

Posted on:2013-12-19Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J LiuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2255330401451019Subject:Chinese philosophy
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
China’s politics, economy and culture have undergone great changes in the lateMing Dynasty. In this historical period, changes in Confucianism is not onlymanifested in the exploration and development of its own theory, but also reflectedthe different characteristics with the development of society. The Confucianismcivilians trend is particularly evident during this period, while Wanggen’s philosophyis precisely this feature of the late Ming and Confucianism highlights. Face to theMing government corruption rule and people increasingly difficult life situation,Wanggen actively seeking salvation method. He was convinced that the "conscience"is the entry point to change the social. But he does not content about his teacher’stheory. He believes that "conscience" is nature, so add "to" before the "conscience"will destroy the complete meaning of "conscience". Therefore, he created the"conscience to". And then he focuses on understanding which the most importantthing is and which the less important thing in "Gewu" is. That’s why he put forwardthe idea of "be worldly-wise and play safe"."Be worldly-wise and play safe"emphasizes " respect yourself" values, and tell people how to make the inner original"conscience" to a behavioral methodology. This thought of Wanggen is one of the mostimportant his theory.The first chapter introduces the reason of choosing this subject and the points outthe research value, then to recount the current academic research on Wanggen’sthought of philosophy and the innovation point of this article. In the third sectionbriefly describes the layout and use of research methods. The second chapter analyzesthe historical background of the thought of Wanggen philosophy and ideologicalorigin. Inspect Wanggen’s philosophical thinking into the special historical contributeto a comprehensive and objective analysis of the causes of Wanggen philosophy andhis unique thought. The third chapter briefly describes the formation and developmentof "conscience" and a detailed analysis of the "ready-made" meaning in"ready-conscience". It is the different understanding of "ready-made" in differentfactions of Yangming schools deepens the connotation of "conscience", also causedthe Yangming schools further differentiation. Wanggen’s theory of "conscience to" isbased on meaning " ready-made " to mature thought the processing of to absorb,questioning and reflective to the Wang Yangming "to conscience" theory. He alsocombines "conscience" with "ready" to develop the "conscience", then he create unique "ready conscience". The fourth chapter describes the formation of the "Gewu",and through the analysis of the "Ge" and "Wu" to highlight the characteristics of theWanggen’s "Gewu in Huainan". The chapter on "self protection" as the two levels ofanalysis, the author thinks this is ignored by previous research in content. Previouslytalked about "self-respect" and "self protection" in "Gewu in Huainan" often payattention to the affirmation of personal values in sense of expansion. But the authorthinks the meaning of "self protection" is beyond that, the "protection" in "selfprotection" not just mean the basic needs, is the satisfactorily of "conscience". At theend, based on research on Wanggen’s philosophy, the author will briefly talk aboutWanggen’s historical location and the main evaluation to him from academia, andanalysis the evaluation, then to give him a more fair evaluation.
Keywords/Search Tags:Wang Gen, Civilians of Confucianism, Conscience to, Gewu in Huainan
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