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Research In Idioms Containing"Dragon" Morpheme

Posted on:2014-03-03Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y J DaiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2255330398496962Subject:Chinese Philology
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The dragon is a miraculous animal that Chinese people has been worshipped since ancient,"dragon" culture represent a significant component in China’s traditional culture, and thus formed a large number idioms which involved "dragon". In this paper, during the proeess the author applies the method of cultural interpretation of language,as is to say the method of analysis of cultural sign,identification of culture,investigation of culture background cultural psychology to research the idioms involving "dragon". First of all, according to the sources involved in the idiom of the "dragon" related idioms sort. Secondly, phoenix, tiger, horse, snake, fish, five animals with the dragon with a combination of a lot of idioms the causes and cultural background of these phrases, is the close link between these types of animals and dragon, phoenix and dragon complementary relationship, several other animals and the formation of the image of the dragon has deep roots. Finally, the dragon has a lot of metaphorical meaning, such as metaphor refers to rare delicacies, metaphor refers to personnel, metaphor refers to the emperor, this paper metaphor learn theory of cultural psychology analysis of the metaphorical meaning of the dragon depth analysis involving the idiom of the "dragon" for the cultural significance.
Keywords/Search Tags:dragon, idiom, metaphor
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