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Research On Environmental Ethics Institutionalization

Posted on:2014-11-22Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:D HongFull Text:PDF
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In China, environmental ethics focuses on the theory of education, in practice, practicaland operational aspects. In the practice of environmental ethics, environmental ethics normativerole is not obvious, which resulted in environmental ethics emptiness. In modern society, themoral resources can not effectively deal with the phenomenon of "moral anomie, theself-regulatory role of ethics to be the support of outside forces. Solution of environmentalproblems, not just by moral constraints, also need the support system. In order to be able toovercome the moral sense of crisis and restore the authority of the moral, ethical moralconstruction and ethical development has become an important trend toward institutionalization.Environmental regimes, environmental technology and environmental ethics are the threepillars of solving environmental problems. In this study, the institutionalization of ethics as thetheoretical basis, combined with the Environmental Ethics Study on Current Situation andpractice of the status quo, the need for institutionalization analysis of environmental ethics,explore the form of the implementation of the Environmental Ethic Institutionalization and theways to realize.The introductory section of this article briefly outlines the topics of the background of thearticle, the research status cursory analysis of the content of the article research and researchmethods. The text consists of four parts: The first part shows the need for environmental ethicsinstitutionalization. The second part is the goal of environmental institutionalization, conditions,principles, can be said that the institutionalization of environmental ethics prerequisite. Onlyexplicitly target the right conditions and the right principles, in order to to Environmental Ethicsinstitutionalized set up a good operating environment. The third part is the focus of the study isdescribed in the second chapter on the basis of specific environmental ethics institutionalizationof specific measures. The Environmental Ethics institutionalized includes two major aspects: onthe one hand, refers to the institutionalization of environmental ethics, on the other hand, refersto environmental ethics rose to the height of the legal, regulatory standards become the industryline, but also in law the obligation people’s moral behavior, the means of the steel is theinstitutionalization of environmental ethics.The fourth part is about the promotion ofenvironmental ethics institutionalization, can be said is the third chapter of the supplement, toimprove the environmental ethics institutionalization, to strengthen the awareness of theinstitutionalization of environmental ethics, ethics management mechanism, to improve theimplementation of the Environmental Ethic Institutionalization force, eventually to return to thelevel of the legal system, to strengthen the legal protection of the environment institutionalized.
Keywords/Search Tags:Environmental ethics, Regime, Environmental Regimes, Environmental Ethics Institutionalization
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