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Investigation And Analysis Of The Foreign Students’ Learning Of Mongolia

Posted on:2014-09-30Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:M M BaiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2255330392966273Subject:Chinese international education
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
This is Mongolian students in Inner Mongolia a university Chinese learning situation of the survey report. The article is divided into six chapters.The first chapter is the introduction part, mainly for the purpose of this study and significance, research status, research methods and choose the cause of the Inner Mongolia a university to study makes a brief review. The second chapter is the Mongolian Chinese learning motivation of students, based on motivation theory as the instruction, surveyed the Chinese learning motivation of the students of Mongolia and investigating the cause of the result analysis, and try to put forward some improving method of Mongolian students in Chinese learning motivation. The third chapter is the Mongolian students to the attitudes of Chinese and articles based on the theory of learning attitude, respectively for junior and senior students attitude surveys related to Chinese language, and try to find different learning phase of Mongolian students in Chinese learning attitude is different, and by what means to make students keep a positive attitude of Chinese. The fourth chapter is the Mongolian students in Chinese learning strategies, article based on the theory of learning strategy, respectively to primary, intermediate, advanced, three stages of the students cognitive strategies, meta-cognitive strategy and communication strategy, and according to the survey put forward guidance and guide students to use learning strategies for the effective methods to learn Chinese. Teachers and teaching materials is the content of the fifth chapter, the article in Inner Mongolia a university Chinese language teachers and teaching material usage for the investigation, and put forward according to the results of the survey about Chinese teachers team construction and in view of the Mongolian Chinese special teaching material write opinion. Chapter is the conclusion part of the article, is to investigate the situation of the above brief summary and suggestion.
Keywords/Search Tags:Mongolian student, attitude, motivation, strategy, teacherstextbook
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