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An Analysis On Adopting Nature As Subjecet Into Moral Consideration

Posted on:2013-06-08Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L JinFull Text:PDF
GTID:2255330392468597Subject:Philosophy of science and technology
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Be appropriately dealing with the relationship between human beings and nature, in where requires not only the economic and political measurements, but also the reform of ethical culture. However, due to the influence of the traditional anthropocentric environmental ethics, nature was treated as the object of conquest and exploitation by regarded its instrumental value only, instead of bring nature into the area of the consideration of moral and culture. To a large extent, it aggravated the global ecological crisis to a worse situation.There were still numerous unsolved issues in the field of environmental ethics that "Whether nature has ability to do what it should to do or not" or "it has intrinsic value independent of the human will or not". This is the core issue discussed in the thesis-the question on nature as subject.The analysis on adopting the nature as subject into moral consideration is undertaken in three aspects.(1) This paper analyzes and locates the theory of adopting nature as subject into moral consideration. Firstly, Nature is defined as a subject in this report in terms of the intension of its fertility, its self-regulation system, and its extension which includes the nature acting as subject whereas human is an object as well as the category of either nature or human acting as both subject and object. Secondly, this paper paves the way for adopting the nature as subject into moral consideration that amends the two forms of anthropocentrism which are utilitarianism and pragmatism, and proves the incompatibility between environmental ethics of natural as subject and pragmatism which further leads to the analysis on non-anthropocentrism of adopting the nature as subject into moral consideration and a compromise between individual and holism, thus reveals the theoretical orientation of the natural individual organism patterns and the overall community pattern.(2)This paper analyzes and criticizes the practice of bringing the nature as subject into moral consideration, reveals that the technological restoration of nature aiming at the problem of natural recovery is essentially guided by anthropocentrism and embodies the human purpose rather than the natural purpose, and is a decision which was made under the Limited scientific information. The result is a mixture of the natural world and human creation, rather than a product of natural history evolution whose characteristic is natural selection. This result originated from social constructivism, essentially, wilderness nature can not be socially constructed. In today’s world, the generalization of social constructivism originated from eco-imperialism substantially, the purpose of it is to plunder the nature. Therefore, we must be out of a misunderstanding of the practice of eco-imperialism.(3)The last but not least, this paper demonstrates the nature and significance of ananalysis on adopting nature as subject into moral consideration, stating that the mainconcept of nature as subject is transferring to the traditional philosophical discourse to forma language communication platform. The significance is that it would contribute to thephilosophical conception, the revolution of the moral values, and the reform of the way ofthinking.
Keywords/Search Tags:environmental ethics, nature as subject, non-anthropocentrism, moralconsideration
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