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Emotional Nouns In Russian And Chinese Language And Culture And A Comparative Analysis Of Their Concepts

Posted on:2013-10-12Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:W Z MeiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2255330392468582Subject:Foreign Linguistics and Applied Linguistics
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Emotion, as a complex and advanced psychological experience accumulatedby mankind in the process of understanding and transforming the world, is closelylinked with the objective world and human practices and proves to be an importantpart of human spiritual culture. With the shift of Western intellectual center, agrowing number of philosophers, psychologists, linguists have begun to pay moreattention to humans’ internal spiritual world. Emotions and desires are the mostfundamental things of human beings; therefore emotion concept becomes thefocus of attention of many scholars. Emotion concept analysis under differentlinguistic and cultural background has become the recent research focus oflinguists, and fruitful research results have been achieved, broadening the researchhorizon for the further development of emotional linguistics which arose in the1990s.The thesis is meant to the study of description, interpretation and comparisonof the basic emotion nouns under the background of Russian and Chinese languageand culture. First of all, the author has studied literature, systematically combingthe research status quo of emotional linguistics and concept analysis theory athome and abroad. Based on previous theory and research results, the author hasapplied concept analysis theory and focused on the study of the representation andexpression of emotional concept. The concept analysis is based on dictionarydefinition of emotion nouns, paradigmatic relationships, etymology, culturalreferences of entry example and cognitive pattern of metaphor of emotion concept,fully revealing the language semantics, cognitive semantics and cultural semanticsof such basic human emotion concepts as joy, anger and sadness and terror. Based on concept analysis, the author has adopted comparative analysisto further explore the common and distinct characteristics of the Russian andChinese emotion concepts in terms of understanding. Finally, by summarizing theresearch results, the author has found that the initial image of the etymology ofemotion nouns, the content of cultural references of entry examples as well as thecognitive pattern of metaphor of emotion concept are mostly derived from thethings or phenomena in the objective world; meanwhile, they are closely related tohuman practice. Therefore, it is reasonable to believe that human emotions andtheir cognitive activities interact and interplay with each other. Under thebackground of different Russian and Chinese language and culture, the emotionconcept shows many similarities in terms of language semantics, cognitivesemantics and cultural semantics; however, due to differences of geographicalenvironment, way of thinking, national culture and social conditions, theseemotion nouns manifest distinct national characteristics in terms of conceptrepresentation and concept expression.
Keywords/Search Tags:emotion, emotion nouns, concept analysis, comparison
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