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An Ethical Examination On Nietzsche’s Viewpoint Of Spirit

Posted on:2013-05-17Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:H L YiFull Text:PDF
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Nietzsche, the welknown19th German philosopher, accurately predicted the spiritual crisis of modern western people. And his deep reflection on the spiritual crisis which mainly took the form of belief crisis, moral crisis and widely spread of mental illness became the logical starting point of his viewpoint of spirit, just on this basis his ethical ideology system was created. And his prediction also caused a significant impact on western philosophy.Freedom was just the essence of spirit in Nietzsche’s viewpoint of spirit. In his words of "three changes of spirit", by using the means of metaphor and personification Nietzsche seperately discribed the state of human spirit which changed from the unfree state like a camel to the state of striving for and creating freedom like a lion until finally truly enjoyed the free state like a baby. Nietzsche severely criticised and indicted definitely unfree state of human spirit caused by the constraints from Christian and its morality. Regarding Nietzsche’s understanding on spiritual freedom, he regarded the uninhibited will as essence and measured its degree by the size of the resistance overcame and took self-responsibility for security. Certainly, efforts of creating was needed so as to obtain the spiritual freedom. In Nietzsche’s opinion, the transcendence of spirit was the best presentation of spiritual freedom. It also represented the highest ethical value of spirit. In his Superman concept, and in his concept of happiness and suffering, and also in his concept of life and death, the transcendence of spirit was shown in detail.Nietzsche’s viewpoint of spirit which took freedom as its essence and transcendence as its highest ethical value played a basic and dominant role in his voluntarism ethical ideology system, and it was also an important part of his outlook on life, and it also had an immeasurable value and significance in helping to grasp his whole thoughts completely and accurately. It had an important influence on the western philosophy and also produced certain positive effect in morden society. Of course, subjected to the influence and restriction of Nietzsche’s own condition and its social environment as well as a variety of other factors, Nietzsche’s viewpoint on spirit inevitably had its limitations, and it would also create certain negative effects on the contemporary society, thus it should be definitely quite necessary for us to treat it correctly and analyse it objectively and dialectiacally.
Keywords/Search Tags:Nietzsche, Viewpoint of Spirit, Spiritual Crisis, Freedom, Transcendence
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