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Research On Relief And Charity Of Henan In The Ming Dynasty

Posted on:2013-04-16Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X F DieFull Text:PDF
GTID:2255330374467218Subject:History of Ancient China
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The state of Henan ranks among the world. It is the "North-South of the throat" and "the center of the world". It is the Quartet of the world’s expedition. It occupies geographical and military superiority. Thus the stability of Henan in Ming dynasty rule is very important. Scourge rages peaceful society, man-made transverse fuel social unrest. The Ming Dynasty rulers take various measures to respond to disasters, but ultimately failed to resist the disaster, leading to the collapse of the late Ming dynasty, why? Why the early Ming Dynasty in Henan attention be reduced to the late Ming indifference?This paper includes four major segments:The first part mainly describes the situation of Henan’s disaster in Ming Dynasty. Disasters, is namely the natural and man-made disasters. Scourge is not only the drought, flood, locust and other single light appear, much more is dry-floods, droughts-locusts, drought and locusts-hunger and epidemics such as the scourge of chain or in the form of the disaster group appears. Disasters mainly refer to Man-made war, riots, heavy corvee. With natural calamities is formed a natural disasters-man-made disasters chain. A disaster happened to pass the frequency and extent to which the government to the Ming Dynasty to salvage effort.The second part focuses on the central government’s relief activities. Communication of disaster information for the implementation of relief provided the possibility, but the message of the inaccurate weakened the accuracy of relief measures. The Central Government is the backbone of the national disaster management. Implementation of relief, folding expedition, issued preliminary cartridge universal relief measures such as grain. However, Henan appears the universality of errors or defects such as the decree unreasonable, official corruption, storage failure.The third part describes the relief activities of the local officials. Relief activities of local officials including against natural disasters activities, relief measures and post-disaster reconstruction work, the three are inseparable. In the three processes, the local officials fully display their powers:to improve the morals, against the strength of the Imperia, to control disturbing sergeant, to protect the land of the poor. But also because the magistrate itself power is limited, ultimately yield power, or with the central government’s inaction, silence.The fourth part expounds nongovernmental charity activities. The poor seeking a variety of ways to survive, but the ultimate end is to rely on rich people, such as begging and enriching helpers. Local rich people and gentry create unlimited possibilities. To a certain extent, food donations activity protects food supply and implementation of relief. Family field blessing of the gentrification of the tribe is a small range of charitable activities. Granary is an indispensable part of the civil charity. But eventually due to the civilian power decentralized and inadequate result unsatisfactory.Disaster relief is a systematic project, requires concerted efforts from all sides. This paper in-depth step by step, analysis of the bailout abuse lead to bad, aim at all-round display in Henan disaster aid effectiveness, provide reference to the contemporary emergence of social problems.
Keywords/Search Tags:Ming dynasty, Henan, relief, charity
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