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Abnormal Celluar Immunity And Treatment Of Myelodysplastic Syndrome

Posted on:2015-03-23Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Q FuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2254330431951770Subject:Internal medicine
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Myelodysplastic syndrome(MDS) is a group of clonal heterogeneous malignancies, which is characterized by dysplasia of clonal hematopoietic/progenitor that lead to ineffective hematopoiesi s and higher risk of progressing to acute myeloid leukemia.The most is primary,and the minority is secondary.With the age increasing.the morbidity increases.The concept of MDS and diagnostic cr iteria is proposed in recent20years. The pathogenesis of MDS is uncertain,which cause obstructio n to treatment. While with the development of genetics, molecular biology and immunology,the ma lignant clonal disease deriving from hemopoietic stem cell has been familiar with gradually in rece nt years.The occurrence and development of this disease is a dynamic process.The abnormal of in heritance and immunity plays an important role in pathogenesis of MDS.The external factor, such as physics, chemistry and environment,induced the change of genetics,while the change of immu ne state provided support of microenvironment to the change of genetics, and promoted the amplif ication and development of Abnormal clone,and what’s more,provided suitable survival environme nt to dysplasia of clonal hematopoietic.finally lead to the progressive development of disease. Im munologic disorder plays an important helping role in the progress of MDS.The immune state of p atients changes dynamic in different stage of MDS, so Immunologic disorder has significant mean ings to pathogenesis.diagnosis and treatment of MDS,especially to the treatment.Using some drug s or immunotherapy can regulate abnormal immune state and even reverse the change of genetics through the study of dysimmunity of MDS,aiming to cure.The only curable method to MDS is all o-HSCT. However, most of MDS patients who are aged can’t accept the treatment even conventio nal chemotherapy because of age, physical condition and severe comorbidity. The main or even the only treatment to MDS is supportive treatment for most of MDS patients before immunomodul ating drugs and hypomethylating agents were invented.The new Curative treatment will be found f or MDS with the intensive study of dysimmunity. This article is to describe the concept of MDS,th e immunological aspect of pathogenic mechanism of MDS, the main therapeutic measures and the main research direction of MDS in future.
Keywords/Search Tags:myelodysplastic syndrome, abnormal celluar immunityimmunomodulating drugs, hypomethylating agents
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