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System Evaluation Of Nourishing The Liver And Kidney In Treatment Of Patients With Chronic Hepatitis B

Posted on:2014-01-15Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:H M MaFull Text:PDF
GTID:2254330425457700Subject:Basic Theory of TCM
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Objectives: Mining and finishing the TCM theoretical basis and historical origin ofnourishing liver and kidney treatment. Carry on qualitative and the quantitative analysis onrandomized controlled trials (RCT) of nourishing liver and kidney to therapies for chronichepatitis B since1995to2012with Evidence-based medicine method, providing the bestproof for the clinical reatment,and lay foundation for carrying on further study. At thesame time, comprehensive analysis of nourishing liver and kidney treatment for thetreatment of chronic hepatitis B clinical practice significance.Method:(1) With the searching terms,pick out the titlerecords of Traditional ChineseMedical (TCM) therapyies for chronichepatitis B which including the words "random".(2)Randomised or quasi randomised clinical trials of TCM therapies for chronic hepatitis Bwere selected for this study.(3) The evidence-based medicine’s method will be abided byfor the study. The evaluation of methodological quality of clinical trials will be carried onaccording to the request of Cochrane manual, including allotment method ofrandomization,concealment of allocation sequence,blind method,withdraw or lose to visitcase number and reason,intention-to-treatanalysis and so on.Main results:282articles were found from637pieces of title recordsconcerning thiskind of literature,40.1%of which took the design of randomized trial control. Randomizedclinical trials (RCTs) and pseudo-randomized clinical trials involving1526chronichepatitis B patients were identified that tested.Traditional Chinese medical therapeuticeffect. The appraisal content mainly includes carrying on the circumstan-ces and thequalitative analysis on selected ordinary clinicaltrials. Carry on Meta analysis on selectedrandomized controlled trials(RCT) about the treatment of CHB with YiguanDecoction,Zuogui Decoction, Zishen Qinggan Decoction,and other Chinese herbs. Conclusion: At present,the quantity of RCT on Traditional Chinese Medicine(TCM)therapies for chronic hepatitis B has raised sharply year by year,and the quality of thestudies has enhanced increasingly,however its methodological quality was poor in total.The overall trial design level of clinical studies in this aspect need enhance urgently due tothe demands of clinical practice. In the liver and kidney tonic prescription, using YiguanDecoction in treatment of chronic hepatitis B in antiviral, significantly better than the othergroup; Zuogui Decoction in the treatment of chronic hepatitis B in improving the totalefficiency and recovery rate of ALT is better than the other group, Zishen QingganDecoction in the treatment of chronic hepatitis B effective prescription.In the liver and kidney and clearing heat and promoting diuresis medicine, Bushengranule combined with oxymatrine in treating chronic hepatitis B in the total efficiency andantiviral, significantly better than the control group.The other Chinese medicine need beananlyized again after getting large numner of articals.
Keywords/Search Tags:Chronic Hepatitis B, System evaluation, Evidence-based medicine, nourishing the liver and kidney
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