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The Research Of Vertical System Of Drug Supervision

Posted on:2014-02-09Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y J ZhaoFull Text:PDF
GTID:2254330422454470Subject:Public Management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Drugs are used in the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of human illness.Drug safety and effectiveness are directly linked to public health. Drug safetyneeds to be build upon a strong basis of highly efficient regulation. The drugregulation system is the core issue in the development of drug regulationindustry. We must therefore first improve the drug regulatory managementsystem in order to enhance the effectiveness of drug regulation.In recent years, there have been a continuous stream of drug safety issuesthat have shocked the country and have shaken confidence in the government.Although the government has attached great importance to drug regulation, it’sfunction and the objective of reform still isn’t clear, and the drug regulationsystem is still undergoing changes.Through comparative analysis, case analysis and through reviewing theevolution of drug regulation since the foundation of the PRC, this articleanalyses the issues currently present in China’s drug regulatory system and explores the advantages and disadvantages of the existence of verticalmanagement by looks at advanced regulations of other countries. From theperspective of public administration, China’s current situation has necessitatedthe establishment of a vertical management system of drug regulation. It isconducive to overcoming local protectionism, strengthening regional integrationand coordination, and focusing support for technical supervision. It is proposedthat we should unify drug regulatory functions, establish separate vertical andspecialized drug regulatory department, and accelerate the reform of the drugregulatory system.
Keywords/Search Tags:drug supervision and administration, vertical management, administrative system
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