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Epidemiological Investigation Of Pelvic Floor Dysfunction Diseases Among Adult Women In Two Communities Of Kunming

Posted on:2014-12-13Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J H LiuFull Text:PDF
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Objective:To investigate the adult female in two communities of Kunming, including the prevalence and risk factors of pelvic floor dysfunction (PFD), the impacts on the patients’quality of life, the patients’cognition of PFD, the patients’ intention to seek medical care, and to obtain the epidemiological data and to summary the epidemiological regularity of PFD among the adult female population in Kunming.Methods:A series of questionnaire surveys were conducted face to face, according to the epidemiological methods of stratified multistage systematic sampling and cross-sectional survey, among the adult female in Shuanglongqiao community and Zongshuying community of Kunming from April2012and April2013. The following are the Questionnaires:1.Cognitive Questionnaire in Female Pelvic Floor Dysfunction,2.International Consultation on Incontinence Questionnaire Short Form(ICIQ-SF),3.Incontinence Quality of Life Instrument(I-QOL),4.Sexual Life Quality Questionnaire(SLQQ),5.Pelvic Organ Prolapse/Urinary Incontinence Sexual Questionnaire(PISQ-12),6.Pelvic Floor Dysfunction Body Image Survey Questionnaire.1080questionnaires were sent out and1080questionnaires were received, the recovery rate was100%. Excluding54invalid questionnaires,1026were valid, and the efficiency of our questionnaires was95%. The data in valid questionnaires was input into the Epidata3.1software library by two imputers and detected for logic errors at the same time, and then analyzed by SPSS19.0statistical software for Chi-square Test, analysis of variance, descriptive analysis, and Multiple Response data analysis. P<0.05was significant statistically.Results:1. The prevalence of urinary incontinence among adult women in Kunming two communities was16.84%, among which the prevalence of stress incontinence, urgent incontinence and mixed incontinence was9.3%,6.1%, and5.4%respectively. The constituent ratio of different types of urinary incontinences was42.6%for stress incontinence,28.2%for urgent incontinence, and24.6%for mixed incontinence. The severity of urinary incontinences was that67.6%, in the mild and the rest in the moderate and severe. Among severe incontinence, the most was women above41years old.2. The prevalence of urinary incontinence increased with age, especially the middle-aged and elderly women. Less educated women and manual workers were associated with a higher prevalence of urinary incontinence. Marriage, multiple pregnancy and multiple births were also associated with a higher prevalence of urinary incontinence. Cesarean delivery or abortion had the positive correlation with the prevalence of incontinence.3. The urinary incontinence had the most negative influences on the patients’ psychologic status. The score of psychologic items (2.16±0.60) was significantly lower than those of behavioral constraints items (3.80±1.04) and social interactions items (7.21±1.86)4. The quality of sexual life among different populations was different. The women among the age of31and40years have the highest scores (73.38±8.03), while the femle above51years have lower score (67.32±11.10).The influence factors were different.5. Impacts of the urinary incontinence/PFD on the quality of sexual life were that8.2%of PFD patients were severe(the scores between0and9),88.2%of PFD patients were moderate(the scores between10and20),3.6%of PFD patients were mild(the scores were between30and45) and the less affected population was that who are less than50years and who are mental labour.6.73.9%of the respondants had learnt one kind of the PFD, such as urinary incontinence. The cognition of risk factors for PFD and how to decrease or avoid it was quite different and couldn’t be analyzed.40.2%had learnt about pelvic floor muscle training,39.2%had learnt about surgery for PFD and36.5%had learnt about rehabilitation techniques of PFD.7. Once sufferring fromPFD,84.7%will seek for medical help, While16.3%wont for the economic reason (47.2%) and the difficulty to see a docter(32%), and so on.8. On the body image, the middle-aged and elderly women were the most affected severely (51to60years old women, had the highest score of4.16+0.79). The less educated, less pregnancies or births and no abortion or urinary incontinence with lower score, who has the better body images.9. The respondants are hoping the government can popularize the PFD knowledge and take more care for the health of female. They also hoped that more professional treatment could be provided and the less spending could be offered.Conclusions:1. The cognition of the female PFD is insufficient.2. The related institutions should to popularize knowledge about female PFD as soon as possible and to take care more for women’s health.3. Urinary incontinence,especially the stress incontinence is a common disease which is affecting the middle-aged and elderly women.4. Urinary incontinence/PFD affects some women’s quality of sexual life and other qualities of life including the body images. Anong these women, the middle-aged and elderly women are bothered deeply.5. The female who is suffering from PFD does not have the strong intention to seek for medical help. The reason is that they have economical problems and the difficulty to see a doctor, which needs the hospital to provide more professional medical services and the government to promote the health care reform so as to reduce medical burdens.
Keywords/Search Tags:Pelvic Floor Dysfunction, Female, Epidemiology, Kunming
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