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The Influence Of Remifentanil To PR Interphase、QRS Time Limit、QT Interval Correction And Heart Rate Of Electrocardiogram

Posted on:2014-05-02Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X B LiuFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Objective: To observe the influence of remifentanil to PR interphase、QT intervalcorrection、QRS complex interval and herat rate of electrocardiogram,and to investigatethe inhibit sites of remifentanil to cardiac conduction system. Methods: Thirty five ASAⅠorⅡUighur patients of aged20-55yr undergoing laparoscopic cholecystectomy wereenrolled in this study.Intravenous routes were established when patients enter theoperating room, then BeneView T8multi function ECG monitor(monitor NIBP, HR, SpO2,ECG, ETCO2) and12leads ECG machine were connectted. To resord ECG1whenpatients rest after10min(T1).0.08mg/kg midazolam was intravenously infused and ECGwas recorded when ECG is stable(T2). Remifentanil was target controll infused, theeffect-site target concentration of which was set at5ng/ml, and record ECG after thetarget effect-side and plasma concentrations were balanced(T3) Then intubation wascompleted after cis atracurium was given.Adiust the target concentration of remifentaniland propofol to maintain hemodynamic stability. Heart rate appears slow down last10seconds and ECG was stable when remifentanil was given. Analysised and compared PRinterphase、QT interval correction、QRS complex interval and herat rate of ECG amongT1,T2and.T3Results: Remifentanil make QT interval correction and QRS time limitprolong significantly(P<0.01), make heart rate slow down significantly (P<0.01), and hasnot significant influence to PR interphase (P>0.05). Conclusion: Remifentanil may inhibitheart by His conduction system and (or) ventricular conduction system.
Keywords/Search Tags:Remifentanil, Cardiac conduction system, Electrocardiogram, Heart rate
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