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Association Of The AR Gene CAG、GGN Repeat Polymorphism With Digit Ratio

Posted on:2014-01-26Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:C ZhangFull Text:PDF
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Objectives: To investigate the effect of CAG/GGN repeat polymorphisms in AR on2D:4DNingxia people.Methods Intravenous blood samples (5ml) were collected from685healthy students,mean age19.85±1.40years, recruited from Ningxia Medical University. These included294males and391females. All protocols were approved by the Ningxia Medical UniversityCommittee for the Protection of Human Subjects. For genotyping, PCR product was analyzedon an ABI3730DNA analyzer using Peak Scanner software (Applied Biosystems, FosterCity, CA, USA) to ascertain the size of the AR alleles. Digit lengths of the second and fourthfingers were measured from photocopies of the ventral surface of the hand and by actualfinger measurements. An independent t-test (α=0.05) was performed to test the significancein difference in2D:4D ratios between male and female. The relationships between thecriterion variable (2D:4D digit ratio) and AR CAG/GGN polymorphisms were assessed withPearson’s product moment correlation coefficients. Data were analyzed using SPSS13.0statistical software (SPSS, Chicago, IL, USA).Results We found that left hand2D:4D ratio was longer than that of the right hand both in males and females. We found that the2D:4D ratio of males was shorter than females forthe right (p=0.003), left (p=0.008), or Mean (p=0.002) hand2D:4D ratios. AR CAGn repeatsfor males was not associated with right (p=0.963), left (p=0.779), DR-L(p=0.704), or Mean(p=0.963) hand2D:4D ratios. The shorter CAG alleles were not associated with right(p=0.600), left (p=0.772), DR-L(p=0.339), or Mean (p=0.938) hand2D:4D ratios. The longerCAG alleles were not associated with right (p=0.631), left (p=0.772), DR-L(p=0.337), orMean (p=0.962) hand2D:4D ratios. The biallelic mean CAG alleles were not associated withright (p=0.554), left (p=0.726), DR-L(p=0.274), or Mean (p=0.956) hand2D:4D ratios. ARGGNn repeats for males was not associated with right (p=0.102), left (p=0.070), DR-L(p=0.654) or Mean (p=0.056) hand2D:4D ratios. The shorter GGN alleles were notassociated with right (p=0.129), left (p=0.332), DR-L(p=0.607), or Mean (p=0.192) hand2D:4D ratios. The longer GGN alleles were not associated with right (p=0.771), left(p=0.641), DR-L(p=0.269), or Mean (p=0.943) hand2D:4D ratios. The biallelic mean GGNalleles were not associated with right (p=0.236), left (p=0.649), DR-L(p=0.385), or Mean(p=0.385) hand2D:4D ratios.Conclusions In the present study, we first found that the left hand2D:4D ratio waslonger than that of the right hand in both males and females. However, we found that bothCAG and GGN alleles were not associated with the left hand, right hand, right minusleft-hand or Mean hand2D:4D ratios. Obiective To study the (CAG)n and(GGN)n repeats polymorphism in the androgenreceptor gene in healthy Hui and Han people in Ningxia.Methods Genotyping of the (CAG)n and (GGN)n repeats numbers in AR gene.Results There was no significant difference of (CAG)n repeats in healthy people(p>0.05).There was significant difference of (GGN)n repeats in healthy people (p<0.001).Han womenhad significant lower23GGN repeats (48.4%) compared to64.7%for Hui women (p=0.001).Conclusions The distribution of GGN repeat is significant different among healthy Hanand Hui ethnic in Ningxia (p<0.001) while the distribution of CAG repeat is not significantdifferent among healthy Han and Hui ethnic in Ningxia (p>0.05).
Keywords/Search Tags:2DD ratio, androgen receptor, CAG repeat, GGN repeatAR gene, STR, Polymorphisms, Hui ethnic, Han ethnic
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