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The Study Of Molecular Genetic Basis Of Weak D Phenotype Individuals In Fujian Province

Posted on:2014-04-25Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:B C RenFull Text:PDF
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Objective To investigate the distribution and molecular basis of weak Dphenotype individuals in fujian province,the southern-eastern area of china.Method All samples were tested by serologic blood grouping assays for theirphenotypes. Weak D phenotype individuals were identified from the non-relatedblood donors and patients by indirect antiglobulin test(IAT).The genotype of RHDwas studied by using polymerase chain reaction with sequence-specific primer(PCR-SSP),and all10RHD exons were sequenced. RHD zygosity was detectedthrough PCR-SSP.Result1.Thirty-two samples were identified as weak D phenotype by blood groupserologic tests,with a frequency of0.0114%in fujian province.2.Weak D type20、Weak D RHD(R113R)、Weak D type15、Weak D RHD(N340I)、Weak D RHD(L320L)、Weak D RHD(F214L)、Weak D RHD(K409K)、Dva、DⅥtypeⅢ were found in2、3,2,3,1,1,1,1,2weak D phenotypeindividuals,respectively.The molecular mechanism was undiscovered inthe rest of16individuals.3. RhC,Rhc,RhE,Rhe antigens detected by serologic test were Ccee in18samples(56.25%),CcEe in4(12.5%),CCEe in4(12.5%),ccEe in3(9.375%),others in3(9.375%),which was consistent with the results genotyped by PCR-SSP.4. RHD+/RHD+homozygotes were detected in20samples,and the others wereRHD+/RHD-heteozygotes.Conclusion There were significant differences in molecular mechanism of weak Dphenotype individuals among fujian indigenous population compared to those of otherareas in china. Distribution characteristics of Weak D phenotype werediversified,which had9kinds of phenotypes, including weak D type20, Weak D RHD(R113R),weak D type15, Weak D RHD(N340I),weak D RHD (L320L), weakD RHD (N320I), weak D RHD (K409K), Dva, DⅥtype Ⅲ, each phenotype beingnot dominant, the distribution being more dispersed.So, it is necessary to strengthenthe study of the molecular mechanisms of the weak D phenotype, and clear its anti-Dimmune occurrence and different molecular genetics background of weak Dphenotype individuals, which would be helpful to make proper transfusion strategies,to prevent to be immuned by inject ing anti-D immunoglobulin into women duringand after pregnancy.This was particularly important clinical significance for safe,scientific, rational clinical blood tranfusion and the prevention, diagnosis, treatmentfor neonatal hemolytic disease.
Keywords/Search Tags:weak D, Partial D, RHD gene, sequencing
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