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The Influence Of Adding Mn Mg On Megalobram Amblycephala’s Growth And Structure And The Influence Of The Content Of Iron、Copper、Manganese、Zinc In Fish Body

Posted on:2015-01-20Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J J DongFull Text:PDF
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In order to study the requirement of Mn and Mg mineral elements in feed ofMegalobram amblycephala,According to the equidistance (48mg/kgMnSO4. H2O194mg/kg MgSO4.7H2O) design principles,add four half purified diet respectively in theconcentration of Mn and Mg。Use the not adding group as control,made into5kinds offeed。 The weight of50.2±0.5g Megalobram amblycephala are breeded in thespecifications of5×667m2cages(The size of the cage is1m×1m×1.5m)。Experimentof feed are feeded,4repeats,Randomly assigned。Daily feeding rate was5.1g/100gbody weight,43days of feeding,After feeding, fasting24h,Whole fish were weighedand measured the muscle﹑liver﹑pancreas rough nutrients and the content of wholefish,muscles,flake,spine Zn﹑Cu﹑Mn﹑Fe。Statistical analysis of the specificgrowth rate﹑feed coefficient and the content of Zn﹑Cu﹑Mn﹑Fe with the correlationof content of Mn﹑Mg in the feed。The results show,The content of Mn, Mg and Megalobram amblycephala specificgrowth rate equation can be used separately Y=5×10-8x3-2×10-5x2+0.0035x+1.7357,R2=0.956、Y=3E-09x3-5E-06x2+0.002x+1.726,R2=0.9999,The contentof Mn﹑Mg and Megalobram amblycephala FCR equation can be used separately Y=-1×-7x3+6×-5x2-0.0086x+2.091,R2=0.9964、Y=-4E-09x3+6E-06x2-0.0024x+1.8831,R2=0.993,These results indicate that the demand for feed bream Mn is125.0~125.2mg/kg,That0.64mg/100g body weight/day; Demand for feed Mg is280.0~290mg/kg,namely1.42~1.48mg/100g body weight/day。The content of Mn Mg in the feed had no significant effect on Megalobramamblycephala Whole fish、liver pancreas、muscle crude protein、crude fat、moisture。 Measure the content of the whole fish﹑muscles﹑scales and vertebra ofMegalobram amblycephala。And do the correlation with the content of Mn Mg in thefeed。Get the following test results。The content of whole fish Fe、Cu、Zn with thecorrelation coefficient of the Mn in the feed was-0.71、-0.23、-0.51,The Fe﹑zn reachthe significant level。The content of whole fish Zn、Cu、Mn、Fe with the correlationcoefficient of the Mg in the feed was0.67、0.88、0.32、0.05,The Fe﹑zn reach thesignificant level。The content of scale Fe、Cu、Mn、Zn with the correlation coefficientof the Mg in the feed was-0.20、-0.56、2.72、-0.70,The content of vertebra Fe、Cu、Mn、Zn with the correlation coefficient of the Mg in the feed was-0.76、-0.66、-0.63、0.48,The content of scale Fe、Cu、Mn、Zn with the correlation coefficient of the Mnin the feed was-0.13、0.27、0.88、-0.95,The content of vertebra Fe、Cu、Mn、Zn withthe correlation coefficient of the Mn in the feed was0.47、-0.06、0.99、-0.44。The resultsshow that,The content of Fe、Cu、Zn in Megalobram amblycephala and the content ofMn in the feed show the negative correlation relationship。The content of Zn in thescale、 the content of Fe in the muscle and the content of Mn in the feed show thenegative correlation stronger。The content of Fe、Cu、Mn、Zn in the whole fish and thecontent of Mg in the feed has a positive correlation;But the content of Fe、Cu、Mn、Zn in the scale and spine and the content of Mg in the feed has a negative relationship。The content of Fe、Zn、Cu in the scale are higher;The content of Fe、Cu、Mn、Zn inthe scale and the content of Mg in the feed show a strong negative correlation。...
Keywords/Search Tags:Megalobram amblycephala, spine, scale, manganese, magnesium, growth performance, Physical indicators, correlation
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