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The Influence Of Potassium Fertilizer Foliage Spray On Tobacco Growth And Quality

Posted on:2014-12-12Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Q H OuFull Text:PDF
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The spraying amount and methods of potassium fertilizers on tobacco leaves in Wenshan, Yunnan Province has always been empirical, guided by few systematic theoretical instructions. Through spaying potassium sulfate of different concentrations, potassium sulfate during different periods, and different potassium foliar fertilizers, as well as digesting study on the effects of these factor on tobacco growth and quality, this experiment endeavors to find out the ideal potassium sulfate concentration, the reasonable spraying period, and appropriate potassium foliar fertilizers under the specific soil ecological conditions of northern hills in Wenshan, Yunnan Province, and provide some clues for future research on potassium fertilizers of tobacco. The experiment has shown:Given the specific soil ecological conditions of northern hills in Wenshan, Yunnan Province, the quality of tobacco leaves will be the best when potassium sulfate of2%concentrations is applied. By spraying such potassium sulfate:the maturity period will be brought forward for2-3d, tobacco will be3.5cm higher than the control after topping, the number of tobacco leaves will increase by1.3pieces, and the expanding of upper leaves will be accelerated; the occurrence of plant diseases will be reduced as well; not only the layered yellowing of tobacco will be promoted, but also the yellowing evenness and tobacco leaf thickness be improved; not only the yield will be increased, which will be increased by168kg/hm2than the control, but also oil content and color of tobacco be improved;chemical component of tobacco will be more balanced as well so as to reduce superfluous aroma and increase tobacco aroma and also the usability of tobacco leaves.Given the specific soil ecological conditions of northern hills in Wenshan, Yunnan Province, the quality of tobacco leaves will be the best when potassium sulfate is sprayed on leaves during maturity period, which is conducive to increasing the maturity of tobacco leaves. By spraying such potassium sulfate during maturity period:not only tobacco will be5.3cm higher than the control after topping, the expanding of upper leaves will be accelerated, but also occurrence of plant diseases be reduced; not only the layered yellowing of tobacco will be promoted, but also the yellowing evenness and tobacco leaf thickness be improved; on the other hand, the yield will be increased, which will be increased by207kg/hm2than the control. The quality of tobacco leaves is the second best when potassium sulfate is sprayed on leaves during rapid growth period, and is relatively worse when no potassium sulfate is sprayed.Given the specific soil ecological conditions of northern hills in Wenshan, Yunnan Province, the effect will be better when foliage fertilizer of Fuwanjia Brand is applied. When foliage fertilizer of Fuwanjia Brand is applied, the expanding of upper leaves will be accelerated, occurrence of plant diseases be reduced, and the yield will be increased, which will be increased by203.5kg/hm2than the control; the performance will be relatively worse when potassium sulfate and high-potassium foliage fertilizer of Shimahong Brand are sprayed on leaves.
Keywords/Search Tags:Tobacco, potassium fertilizer, foliage spray, growth, quality
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