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Soil Salinization Evaluation And Salt Tolerance Selection Of Greenhouse Tomato Varieies In Mishan

Posted on:2014-04-16Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:B WangFull Text:PDF
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Tomato also known as "xi gongshi" or "yang shizi",native to South America, Peru, Ecuador,Bolivia, Chile and other countries of the western Pacific coast Andes plateau or valley. Tomatofruit contains rich nutrition, delicious flavor, bright color, it is a popular fruit. To become one ofour country and even the world’s most important vegetable crops. The soil salinization alreadybecome an important factor affecting the growth of crops. Salt damage to tomato and othervegetable crops cultivated in soil containing more water-soluble salts, but due to poor growth,decline, or even death. With the the Chinese protectorate facilities, vegetable area of the protectedareas in China in recent years has increased year by year, even for vegetables, the protectorateclimate and environment, and other factors lead to soil salinization facility seriously affect theyield and quality of vegetables. Tomato production facilities by soil salinization produce thecolonization tomato Huanmiao slower, the leaves become darker in color, leaves reduced slowgrowth Huanmiao. This study is to protect against Mishan tomato planting the status quo on thebasis of the survey in the the soil salinization status of Mishan, currently leading the tomatovarieties for salt tolerance screening to Mishan and China protectorate salt-tolerant tomatovarieties to choose to lay the basis for screening data. The experimental results are as follows:1.Mishan Heping Township Greenhouse Soil in the three years after planting, soil salinityaccumulation rapidly, salt accumulation within the overall3to20years of planting years upwardtrend, planting3years shed soil soil samples salt concentration of33.987cmol/kg-1, while the saltconcentration of greenhouse soil planted20years soil samples reached63.702cmol/kg-1, a87%increase in salt concentration. Shed a pH of6.24, planted15years exposed to a pH of7.11, the theGreenhouse Soil obvious acidification.2.The test cultivars of Mishan tomato varieties Ruifei, Murray improved Experian andDongnong720, the European Shield Dongnong7126tomatoes varieties for salt toleranceidentification, through direct the Identification and indirect identification method a comprehensiveevaluation of the six varieties at seedling stage and whole growth biological traits. Table MingruiFei Dongnong720has good salt tolerance and improved Experian, fruit traits, plant growth andripening traits are more prominent, can be used as a large area of salt-tolerant varieties.3.Found in six varieties seedling stage identification process using indirect identificationindicators, proline and membrane permeability and MDA content and salinity tolerance wassignificantly correlated, you can crop resistant tomato seedlings indirect indicator of salt toleranceidentification for tomato varieties and planting resources seedling stage screening.
Keywords/Search Tags:tomato, salt tolerance, selection, salinization
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